Saturday, December 5, 2020


 I swear, some days are roller coasters

    Our tree got decorated today.  Camryn and Emily came over,  they rotated the tree to get a better side facing  front.  Emily left and Camryn and Jackie and I began tree decorating.

    How this works is Jackie unwraps lights, I test them, Camryn gets on the step ladder to wind them around the tree.  I go behind the tree and just grab one end and hand it to Camryn on the other side.

    Nothing strenuous

    Emily leaves, we start to hang ornaments and as I pick up a box that weights less than a pound, I get a shooting pain through my leg.  Down my back, through the groin, down the leg.

    I lay down on the bed.  My leg feels numb.  The pain is tremendous.  Jackie calls Emily back.  Emily takes me to emergency room.  I get CAT scan.  Talk to doctor.  He talks to urologist.  I go home.

    Pain free.  Actually, my pain stopped on my way into the hospital.

    The CAT scan showed a mass inside my left stomach wall.  The ER doctor called the urologist who took out my prostate because he was concerned.  The urologist said that little mass was pretty typical of this type of surgery and should go away with no problems.

    I was thinking stroke, blood clot, hernia rupture...and a jillion other problems because you know how optimistic I am.

    Turns out....nothing to worry about.  Where did the pain come from?  Maybe the mass pressing on a nerve, maybe a pulled muscle, maybe a pinched nerve...but hothing showed up and there has been no pain since.

    After about 2 hours Emily took me home.

    The tree is lit and decorated and looks beautiful, all thanks to Camryn and John.

    A pizza was waiting for me courtesy of Dan and Linda.  It was just the right food at the right time tonight.

    So it was a great day, except for the couple of hours I thought I was dying.

    I have to learn to chill out a little.

    Stay healthy.  Stay masked.  Stay safe.

Peace and Love

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