Wednesday, December 23, 2020

day.....Eve. eve....281

 I admit, sometimes I don't enjoy Christmas

    There is always so much to do, and this year it is even worse.

    We cut back on presents.  Mainly it was a lack of opportunity to go out and shop, so there is a cutback.

    But it is the pressure I put on myself because, well, just because.

    For example.......Had a gift on the kitchen ledge.  Went to pick it up tonight and it is gone.

    Jackie said she saw it, but wasn't sure where.

    Julia said she saw it, and I picked it up to put it in a safe spot.

    During the course of looking for it, I cleaned out my sock drawer and discovered 5 old pairs of eyeglasses, two lenses, one plastic lense for when Jackie had cataract surgery, 3 eyeglass cases, 2 2-dollar bills, a wallet from the 1920s, two bandanas,  an envelope with money for Julia that I got from selling some of her stuff in Creston 2 or three years ago,  and a partridge in a pear tree.

    Ok, no partridge.  Just a lot of stuff.  But not what I was looking for.

    I checked Jackie's drawers, (the ones in her dresser) looked in the den, checked my shoes, (Carrie and Beth...had it covered), everywhere.  No such luck.

    We all saw it.  We all saw it in different places.

    Eventually I ended up in the dining room and there it was, on the dining room table.  No one remembers putting it there.  

    All the while I was getting more and more upset at my inability to A:  put things away; B:  remember where I put them when I do put them away.

    And I am missing one present...can't seem to find it.  I don't even know if it came, although I t hought it did and I put it......well, somewhere.

    It will turn up...maybe in my underwear drawer, who knows?

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Wear a mask.  Wrap those presents.

Peace and Love

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