Friday, December 18, 2020

 It's been a pretty good two days

    Yesterday I had a great session with my physical therapist, who increased my spirits and brightened my outlook at just the right time.

    Then Renee and Wendy came over for a visit and we had a great time just chatting about life in Covid time.  

    As part of my recuperation from surgery, I am getting shots every night and tonight was the last one!  28 shots, 28 days.  Emily did 26 of then and friend Kevin finished with the last two.

     When the doc talked to us about them, he said I had several options.  Jackie could give me the shot, or I could give it to myself, or Emily could give it.  Since Emily gives me my flu shots, I picked her.

    Can you imagine me giving myself a shot?  I am scared to death of needles, don't even like looking at one, let alone sticking one in my belly.  My hands would be shaking so badly I would probably inject my leg and then faint.  When Jackie did injections for MS, I could not even be in the same room.  

    I also had a chance to visit with friends the old fashioned telephone.

    And making today even better was us getting a box of oranges from my brother in Florida.  They are sweet and juicy.  The oranges, not my brother.

    For the first time in several weeks I am fairly optimistic....the sun even ame out today...and thinkng there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  I just hope it is not a freight train.

    Stay healthy.  Stay happy.  Wear a mask.

Peace and Love

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