Tuesday, December 15, 2020


 My baby girl dissed me today, big time

    We were all set to go on a walk.  I had on my winter parka, ski hat, gloves and was quite toasty.

    The plan was to walk with Corki through the empty field, down across the retention pond, then back up the road to our house.

    But as we were leaving, John brought Jackie back from an errand and Corki wanted nothing to do with a walk.  She stopped, stared at the car, and refused to move.  When I pulled her, she dug in.  So I let her go back in the house.

    I went on a walk by myself.  It was cold.  I walked to the end of the block and back, but I have not done that in a few weeks...actually  over a month.  I had to stop three times on the way back to rest for a few seconds.  Funny how out of condition a person can get after a month of low activity.

    I had a repeat of yesterday....showered, shaved, went to my chair to read and fell asleep until about 10.  Actually slept pretty well last night, at least I don't remember a lot of tossing and turning.

    It was a day of frustration on many parts, and a day of happiness as John, Emily, Julia, Jakie an I enjoyed supper together.  It is great having everyone visiting, talking, laughing.....I do miss that.

    I did have to laugh at a Facebook ad featuring a Christmas tree that said the new version had total electrocution.  In other words, a gift to give to people you hate.

    Stay safe.  Wear a mask.  Stay healthy.

Peace and Love

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