Tuesday, December 22, 2020

day.....like a Mongol horde.....280

 Sometimes I am a bottomless pit

    We actually had a home cooked meal tonight......breaded schnitzel and broiled potatoes with some carrots and Jen's bread from Cypress House.  I also made a salad.

    Not to brag, but no one got sick.

    Unfortunately, I am still hungry.  I am snacking on anything I can get my little fingers around....an orange, chocolate, trail mix, Kind mini bars, pretzels.

    When I was younger I had a date with a girl.  We went to see a movie in downtown Chicago. It was Tarus Bulba and I don't remember much except my mother went with.

    Yes....me, my date and my mother.  

    I must have been 15 or 16.  Her name (my date) was Camille and she lived on the west side of Chicago. 

    We met at a football game.  She was rooting for the Catholic League champ, we were rooting for the Public League champ.  At some point in the game I think the Catholic team (Leo or Fenwick sticks in my mind) went over the century mark against the Public League team (CVS or Schurz sticks in my mind.  Not only is my memory unclear, I know I did not spell the schools correctly. )

    Anyway, we had been jawing back and forth with the girls.  Nothing ugly, just trash talk.

    The Catholic League team scored and the girls all got excited and started jumping up and down.  Camille lost her balance and fell into my lap.  The guys ended up escorting the girls home after the game and I asked her for her phone number and made a date.

    She lived in a terrible neighborhood.....gang infested, graffiti everywhere, and this was back in the 60s.  

    So when I went to pick her up, Mom came with.  We rode the L out to her stop, Camille got on, we went downtown, saw the movie, and I brought her home.

    My mother was with us the whole time....not next to us, but in the same car, getting off at the same stop, it was weird by nice at the same time.

    Years later friend John was at a party and ran into a girl named Camille and wouldn't you know it, same girl.  I don't remember if she remembered me or not, but I find it hard to think a girl would forget a guy who brought his mother on a date.

    I honestly don't know why I thought of that tonight.  I guess my hunger made me think of Genghis Kahn and his marauding Cossacks, which led me to Taurus Bulba, which led me to my date with Camille.

    And that, folks, is how my mind works.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Wear a mask.  Hang on to your hats cause it is gonna be windy out there!

Peace and Love

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