Tuesday, December 29, 2020


 We are having a major snow event

    Several inches have fallen, but at about 8 it turned to freezing rain/ice.  Our windows are frozen over, giving an outside view a distorted appearance.  Corki does not like it.

    I am anticipating loss of power at some point, so I have filled a 5 gallon bucket with water for flushing and three one gallon jugs for drinking.  Never hurts to be prepared. And because I am prepared, the power will thankfully stay on all through the night.

    Day 2 of wearing pants all day went well.  

    Julia had company....a friend from Switzerland who is now living in Chicago.  She and her husband came out and we had a nice lunch, a couple of glasses of wine, and some fun watching their two girls.  Everybody  in the family had Covid tests recently and were negative, so we felt pretty safe.

    Friend Bethie stopped by for a calendar and dropped off a gift.  I miss her, Carrie, TC and our Exit 99 gatherings.  I wonder if we could do a Zoom get together and open it up for people to watch.....that would be funny.

    I think we all could do with a little funny in our lives.  

    I also went to the store for Jackie.  She wanted a Head and Shoulders shampoo and conditioner, and Garnier Fructus green bottle and red bottle conditioners.

    Here is my frustration.  They only had the H/S shampoo in the flavor she wanted.  They had a lot of shampoo.  So why do they have a lot of shampoo and no conditioner?  Don't people usually buy them together?  It was the same with the Garnier products....lots of shampoo, no conditioner.  For some reason that really baffles me.

    Then again, a lot of things baffle me.  Why are they called polar bears when they are only found in the Arctic region?  Why not call them Arctic bears?  Polar implies they live at the poles, which they do not.

    When Ford named it's ill fated car  Pinto, were they naming it after a horse or a bean?

    Lima beans grown in Peru...are they called Lima limas?  And if llamas like them, is is right to say llamas like licking Lima limas?

    Why was it always called Ma Bell when Alexander was a man?

    What do you do with a comquat?  Even more, how do you spell it correctly?

    Why is 3 a magic number in sports?  3 outs to an inning, 3 strikes to an out, 3 points for a field goal, 3 fingers on Mordecai Brown, 3 strikes in bowling is a turkey, not an out.

    Inquiring minds want to know.

    And now the wind is howling again.  Gonna be a long night in Northern Illinois.

    Stay home.  Stay safe.

Peace and Love

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