Wednesday, December 30, 2020


Nothing stands out about the day 

    We did not lose power.  I had a fairly good night's sleep.

    I had a physical therapy appointment in Sycamore at 11 a.m.  The roads were good except for the road by my house.  Honestly, I thought about going home because the road was slippery and ice packed....felt like I was driving over rumble strips.  But the road was clear when I hit town.

    After therapy I dawdled a little.  

    Went to the store for toilet paper because I was down to 184 rolls, ordered on line from Starbucks, and stopped for some pictures.

    So I didn't get home till almost 3.  Luckily, Julia had everything under control.

    Tomorrow Julia and I, mainly Julia, will attack the snow covered walk and ice covered driveway.  I just have to be careful and no do anything stupid.

    Last night during the freezing rain and sleet and howling wind t I realized I had not gotten the mail.  I gingerly made my way across the frozen tundra and retrieved my mail......two advertisements.

    What a waste.

    Tonight I realized I had not gotten the mail again, so I shuffled down the driveway and pulled out 3 advertisements.  

    I am begining to sense a pattern.

    Also, I did not win the big lottery, so none of you are getting $20,000 checks.  Sorry.

    Stay safe.  Wear a mask.  Be careful out there.

Peace and Love

And pictures

Emily and John  brought their new dog, Marietta over the other day and Corki decided to lay on the tree skirt to avoid her!  In the five years we have had her, she has never done this.  It did make for a cute picture.  Notice the cookie ornament on the right...that is Julia in third grade, maybe second.   Memories.

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