Monday, December 7, 2020


 I lost a day

    I swear, I got up and now it's time for bed...almost.  The day went too fast.

    I did take Corki to the vet.  She has a skin tag on her left back and last week she chewed on it, causing it to bleed.  She has been chewing at it ever since.

    They shaved the area around it and instructed me to put an ointment on it, which should solve the problem.

    Then I stopped at Starbucks and got a coffee.  I ordered a "burnt vanilla thing" which confused the guy becaused it is a toasted white chocolate mocha.  He translated it correctly.  

    I swear...I have performance anxiety when I order there.  I can know exactly what I want, and it comes out Martian or something.

    They gave Corki a Puppachino, which is essentially whipped cream.  Corki loved it, but she has some unheavenly gas tonight.  I already warned Jackie.


    Talked with my brother, and my brother and sister in law, made supper and here I am.  

    Oh, I did take a walk.  Corki saw me walking and stood at the door and just barked at me.  I guess she was mad I did not take her.

    Maybe tomorrow.

    That's it.....nothing new, faucet is still running.......patience....patience.

Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Wear a mask.

Peace and Love

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