Sunday, December 6, 2020

day....village people....264

Sometimes it does take a village 

    Yesterday the tree got decorated, I had a quick ER visit, and today Jackie's village was set up and I did not go to the ER.

    It does take a village for us.

    John broght up the village boxes, Sheri and Camryn unpacked and set up the houses and lights, Jackie directed and I sat on the couch (for the most part) and partly watched the Bears blow another one.

    I know it took way over an hour to get it all done, and we do appreciate it.

    John took the boxes back downstairs and brought up the last one with Christmas stuff.  Not sure how that one will work, because it is all on the floor stuff...the manger scene mainly.

    We still have a few odds and ends, but it will get done eventually.  I am taking care not to repeat yesterday's mistake of  bending over a lot.  

    In the beginning

    Making progress

    Finished village....

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Wear a mask.

Peace and Love

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