Sunday, December 20, 2020


 I took trhe day off today

    Hardly did anything except sit around.  

    Sure I did my pelvic exercises, but that was it.  Watched the Bears, Zoomed church, watched  Sound of Music, ate lots of was a nice day.

    Emily is doing well...sore and tired but ok.

    I have some Christmas shopping to do tomorrow, hopefully I get it done in one fell swoop.

    That's it.  Sometimes boring days are good.

    Watching Sound of Music reminded me of a couple of bucket list items.  I have never seen Rocky Horror at the theater!  I always thought it would be a kick to go see that with a lot of people.  The Music Box theater in Chicago used to do a Sound of Music sing along/participation show.  Something to look forward to in normal times.

     Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Wear a mask.

Peace and Love

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