Friday, December 25, 2020


 I had a wonderful Christmas...hope you did too

    It was a small gathering...Emily, John, Camryn, Jackie, Julia and me.  We have been together a lot and none of us have been out much, so we feel pretty safe as a group.

    But we did miss the people we normally have as dinner tuests.  It was hard not to see their faces or eat the foods they brought, but we, make that me, was/am not comfortable around people who may have been exposed.

    Even among ourselves, outside of dinner, we tend to stay distanced.  It's not the best of times, but not the worst either.

    I did get to wrap presents and sip egg nog while watching "It's a Wonderful Life" Christmas Eve.

    Most of you know I am kind of an emotional person.  I tend to tear up at the end of that movie and during "Silent Night,"  which always reminds me of my mother.

    That's one of the beauties of Christmas...the memories.  It seems like the ghost of Christmas Past and the Ghost of Christmas Present are always strong in my mind .

    I hope you had a happy Christmas with your family and loved ones.  May your days be jolly and bright, and may all your Christmases be filled with laughter and Joy.  Sorry Bing, I had to adapt.

Peace and Love

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