Friday, December 11, 2020

day.......oh my......269

 My first day sans caffeine was ok

    Not great, but ok.  I am tired, but that means I should sleep better, right?

    I can't sleep on my side yet...still hurts to roll over.  So I sleep on my back.  But about 2 a.m. my back hurts in my left shoulder area, so I move to my recliner.  Then I sleep until about 6 and move back to bed.

    Until today.

    I decided to set the alarm for 7.  I fell asleep in my chair about 2 and when the alarm went off, it was very loud!  I was still in my chair and it was loud!   I had to go from one side of the house to the other to turn if off, and by then Jackie was wide awake and the dog was a little panicked.

    I printed our dreaded Christmas letter, sort of.  I went to Office Max yesterday for a couple of things and did not even think about Christmas themed paper, because I had a pack of 60 sheets at home.

    Last night I checked the printer, made sure the letter was printing the direction I wanted it to print, and printed off the dreaded Christmas letter.  Unfortunately, the paper was packaged so that halfway through, the sheets were reversed, so half the letters are printed in the wrong way.  

    I don't think there is a place in town to buy paper.  So....I will have to finish cards next Thursday after I make a trip back to Office Max.  Of course, I could go to Office Max tomorrow.......which is an option.  Decisions, decisions.

    I am rewatching Band of Brothers and had forgotten how brutal the war was.  I don't think I would have been brave enough to have done what those boys and men did.  They truly are The Greatest Generation.

    Julia comes home tomorrow for four weeks.  I am excited, yet a little nervous.  I am never relaxed until I see her face.  

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Wear a mask.  Have sweet dreams.

Peace and Love

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