Thursday, December 3, 2020


We got a nice surpise today 

    Somebody sent us a tin of Garrett's popcorn.  I say somebody, because there was no card with the tin, so I have no idea who sent it.  Thank you very much, whomever you are.

    I can't wait until the Medicare open enrollment period ends.  There are more commercials for that than for political candidates.  Of course, the channels we watch (showing older show reruns) are flooded with them because they know what their audience shows that remind them of the younger years.

    I had a great session with my physical therapist today.  I explained some of the plumbing issues I am having and she said, "It's been 2 weeks....give it time.  Be patient.  Do your exercises."

    That seems to have a lot more impact than Jackie or Emily saying the exact same thing.  Give it time.  Be patient.

    I did get a tip on sleeping tonight.  I can't roll over, Nicole said I will heal sooner if I sleep on my back.  She suggested some adjustments in my body position, which should help me sleep.  My main problem is my back hurts at about 2 a.m.  I get up, go to the recliner, and sleep there.  She said it was  better for my  body to be straight and not bent at the waist during the healing time.

    We'll see how this works.

    For the second day in a row I used my Starbucks app to place a mobile order.  I an getting tech savvy.  Saavy?  Savy?  Huh....seems I am losing my ability to spell words.

    I was sorry to hear that two of my favorite Cubs, Almora and Schwarber, were not tendered contracts and are now free agents.  I just liked the pair and I hope they do well....maybe they'll even return to the Cubs on reduced contracts.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Stay masked.

Peace and Love

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