Saturday, December 26, 2020's dark.....284

 This was a dark day for us

    Well, technically it was a dark evening.  Literally.

    Our power blinked off then on at 5:45 p.m.  At 6 I went into town to pick up some take out.  I passed an accident on Flagg Road where a car hit a utility pole.  That pole then fell on another set of wires, causing some smoke and sparks.  I assume that's why the power blinked.

    Then it got worse.

    I stopped at the restaurant.  I was the third car in line.  I took out my wallet and put it on the seat next to me.   I was the second car in line.  I put on my mask.  I was the first car.

    Young female came to the car and told me the amount.....I reached for my wallet.....You guessed it: Gone!!

    I turned on the car interior lights and looked.  It may have fallen between the seats, or on the floor, or is under the seat.

    I told the girl could not find my wallet and had to get out to look for it.  There were now cars behind me, so I pulled up and tried to take off my seat belt.

    The belt somehow wrapped around the strap for my facemask, ripping my face mask off and tossing my hearing aids all over the place.  

    Now I don't have my wallet and I have to look for my hearing aids.

I open the door and notice one hearing aid on the floor.  I pick it up and put it in my pocket.  I then look in the center console and find my wallet.  The second hearing aid is on the seat, where the wallet was.

    Spirits?  Goblins?  Invisible hands moving my stuff around?

    Anyway, I paid, got the food, went home the long way because the four firetrucks, ambulance and police were still on the road....I could see flashing red lights.

    I got home and while I was talking to my sister in law on the phone, the power went out.  It does not come back on.  I light candles, get my flashlights, Julia uses her phone to come up the stairs from the basement.

    I called SIL on my cell phone (or mobile, as Julia knows it as) to explain I did not hang up on her, but the power was gone and so was my land line.

    We thenhad  a nice candlelight supper.

    For you city folk, no power in the country means you don't have water because we have a well to pump water into the house.  No water means no flushing..  And yes, it is an inconvenience because once the lights go everyone has to use the toilet.

    I don't know how long the power was out...maybe an hour.  I am just glad it was not really cold and windy, because our house stayed fairly warm.

    All is well that ends well.  Supper was good, the quiet was nice, phone visits were good and now it's almost time for bed.

    Hope you had an uneventful day.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Wear a mask.

Peace and Love

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