Monday, December 14, 2020


 I may have mentioned I have trouble sleeping

    OK, I get it.  You are tired of hearing about my night time woes. I go again.

    I go to bed about 11 or 11:30.  I do my exercises to stop the flow, read, and then about 1 or 2, wake up with a pain in my left shoulder blade.  I then get up, go to my recliner, sleep until 6, then go back to bed.

    I have been doing some form of this since my surgery.

    Last night I went to the chair at 1 and slept until 6.  Then I went back to bed and got up at 7:15.  

    I took my normal morning hot shower, shaved, got dressed and at 8 went to sit in my recliner and read.

    Julia woke me at 11:30!

    I was like a rock!  I know I heard the phone ring a couple of times, heard voices, people talked to me....but nothing was actually  loud enough to wake me.

    By the time I got out of the chair, it was almost I had lunch.

    I had dreams of people I have never had dreams about before.  And they were pleasant dreams, friendly dreams.

    I hope tonight I sleep in bed for a while.  I really don't want to sleep in my chair, but in bed my shoulder hurts too much...even with a heating pad.

    I did get Christmas cards mailed and had a nice walk with Corki and a visit with San and Jen, who saw me out with the dog.  It has been a while since I talked to real people in person and it was nice.  And by real people, I mean those who are not family members or health care workers....they are my lifeline  to sanity right now.

    Maybe tonight I'll have more pleasant dreams.....and 8 hours of sleep.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Wear a mask.

Peace and Love

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