Sunday, December 13, 2020

day...celebration time.....271

 I had lots to celebrate today

    Last year at about this time Jackie and I celebrated our 50th wedding today marks year 51. 

    Last year we had a reception at the church where we got married.  Lots of food and cake and people who came to celebrate with us.

    This year we had pizza with Julia, Emily and John.  What a difference a year makes, huh?

    It was a small group, and we socially distanced.  Jackie and I got some speakers that we can play music on or talk through, which should be a help when I am in one part of the house and Jacke wants to tell me something.

    Another reason to celebrate is Julia being home.  I know, travel is risky.  But our help has a new job starting this week and I am not yet up to doing the lifting that needs to be done, so Julia will be helping out with mommy care.  That is a really big deal to us.

    Another reason to elebrate is the Bears won.  I watched, even though I vowed after last week's meltdown to never watch them again.  Today they looked good.  Of course they were playijng a 4-8 team, so it wasn't a major upset.  Any win is a good win.

    A good day all around, for the most part.

    Heard about a friend who was tested positive for Covid.  Sending prayers their way for a quick recovery.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Wear a mask.

Peace and Love

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