Wednesday, December 9, 2020


 I am really upset at my friend Paul

    Paul is a bank robber.  He has robbed several banks.  Yet he has never been charged!

    Granted, no one has actually seen him rob a single bank, but that doesn't mean he hasn't robbed dozens of banks!

    He normally lives a quiet life but he drives a nice car, and that means he robs banks because how can he afford a nice car and food?  And yet he has never been arrested!

    What's even odder, there are no pictures of him robbing banks!  How can that be!  There must be a conspiracy to hide the evidence of him robbing banks.  I admit, it is unlikely that he robbed banks in four different states on the same day, but show me the evidence that says he didn't do it!  Aha!! You have no evidence that proves his innocence, so he must be guilty!  

    I am sorry if I am sounding like a crazed, delusional, unbalanced person, but I am concerned for banks all over the country and we need to keep Paul from not robbing those banks too.

    After all, it's in my best interests to do that.

    Stay healthy, mentally and physically.  Stay safe.  Wear a mask, unless you are    robbing a bank.

Peace and Love and  hope for sanity

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