Wednesday, December 2, 2020

day....odds & ends.....260

 I have lots of odd thoughts going thru my head

    Including why thru and through are the same thing, spelled differently.

    I was in a store yesterday and saw JC and I even recognized her.  It has been months since I have seen her and ther husband, TC, and I really miss them.  Heck, I miss all my Exit 99 peeps.  We always had a good time "rehearsing" for upcoming shows.

    A police story out of Peru IL involved a chase with the perp captured/rescued by a fisherman as it attempted to swim the Illinois River.  Police and the public had a hard time catching the kangaroo.  Now, what a Kangaroo was doing in Peru is a question that begs an answer.  You would think in a small town like that someone would say, "Oh, a kangaroo?  That has to be Fred's. I'll call him."  Having akangaroo as a pet should be an odd enough situation that people would know who the owner was.

    I can only sleep on my back.  But I seem to get a backache about 2 a.m., and end up sleeping in my chair until 6 or so when I crawl back to bed.  I can't roll on my side because it hurts.  I have to keep reminding myself it has only been 2 weeks since I had major surgery.

    2020 is a year that seems it will never end yet it has gone by so quickly.  Just yesterday we were starting to lock down and now, here we are, 9 months later and still dealing with Covid.  Time flies, until it doesn't.

    George Harrison's advice:   If you don't want to die then don't be born.

    We got a packet from a Native American school out west.  There was a pad of paper, pair of socks, small dream catcher, (the catcher was small, dreams are big) small ornament for a tree, address labels, package labels and an appeal for money.   It just did not feel right, so I did not send them anything.  Thoughts?  Besides it being odd they sent us socks.

    The big hawk was back today, sitting in  bur oak in the back of the yard.  

    I took Corki for a walk tonight.  I wanted to walk through the field to the retention pond, but she did not want to go.  However, she gladly went down the road.  So, does grass bother her feet?  I take her for a grooming Friday.

    Visited my brother today.  I took him the picture I thought was of my great grandfather, but Carl thinks the picture is actually our dad.  Why does he have that thought?  Because he has a book that looks exactly like the one the boy in the photo is holding.  Carl thinks Ernst Dickow is written on the back because that is the person who ordered the picture.  By the way, the book has a date of 1916, and our dad would have been about 15....which the boy in the photo appears to be.  Drove my brother nuts when he sould say,"Our father" and I chimed in,"who art in heaven."

    Tat's it.  Odds and ends.

    Stay safe, stay healthy, wear a mask.

Peace and Love

My brother and my father...the book says Karl Dickow, 1916.  Dad was born in 1901.

She is looking for carrots!  So,  maybe it wasn't deer, but dear.

Such a pretty her snowman outfit!

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