Friday, December 4, 2020


 I am having a terrible time

    I am itching like crazy.....the bottoms of my feet, my legs up to my knees.  They itch a lot.

    I have taken a Benadryl....hopefully that will stop it.

    I had leftovers from last night, and the food last night did not bother me.  Except I also had some tortilla chips with cheese......but it is nothing I have not had before.

    Driving me crazy.

    Corki went fo ra grroom today.  Trimmed up, washed, nails cut.

Doesn't she look beautiful?  She has to go to the vet next week because she has a skin tag that she has been trying to chew.

    Wait, scratching  the bottom of my feet.  Ahhhhh....temprary relief.  I have sprayed them with an anti itch relief yet.

    Went for a 23 minute walk today after I brought her home.  There was another guy out walking and as we passed, I said hello, he said hello, I said nice day.....and then I farted rather loudly.

    That seems to be another leftover benefit of the surgery....sudden and often loud farts.  Somehow I don't think this guy will look me up for any social engagements.

    I found out today where the Garrett's popcorn came from....thank you Kim and Neal.   That was a nice surprise.

    Recovery update...feeling stronger, belly itches, sometimes it is sore, plumbing still out of whack, some trouble sleeping......but it has just been a little over 2 weeks.  Give it time, they say.  

    I wish I was back to normal.  Hell, I wish life was back to normal.  But wishing doesn't make it so.

    Stay safe.  Stay masked.  Stay healthy.

Peace and Love

PS.....any spelling mistakes blame on the itching, please


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