Sunday, December 27, 2020

day......short nevers.......285

 I swore I would never watch the Bears again

    They lost to the Lions on a bone headed play with less than 2 minutes to go 3 weeks ago.

    But I have watched them reel off 3 wins in a row.  They actually looked like a football team.  Of course Jacksonville has lost 14 in a row.  Still.....

    That is the only thing I did today!  Well, I did my pelvic floor exercises, but not all of them.  I have to get into the routine on doing all of them every day.

    We did have to call John to help pick Jackie up.  She missed her chair and landed on the floor.  Julia and I were not in a position to catch her and since I can't lift, it was John to the rescue.

    No blood.  No damage.  No harm.  Once again, we lucked out.

    Jackie loves tea towels.  She has them for every holiday.  A new tea towel appeared on the freezer part of the refrigerator and I thought it was an attractive towel.   It hung there for several days before I was asked if I had looked at it closely.  Emily, Julia and John just kept laughing.

    Finally I looked at it closely.  You can too.

    What is funny about it to you?

    4 more days of 20....we can do it.

    Stay safe. Stay healthy.  Wear a mask.

Peace and Love

Our new tea towel......see anything funny or strange in it?

I llve the Skare Park oaks!

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