Monday, December 28, 2020


Sometimes I don't understand my body 

    I have not worn pants for six weeks, except for an hour here or there.  I have been wearing lounge pants.  Now, most people call them pajama bottoms, but they are listed as lounge ware in the finer clothing catalogs.

    Why do I wear these?  After the surgery, it was tough to wear a belt and a fixed waistline.  The lounge pants were expandable, flexible, roomy, comfortable.

    I had three pair.  I was going through those pertty quickly.  I ordered a couple of pair that were on sale and noticed a huge difference right off the bat.  The new ones were heavier, fit looser, and were more comfortable.

    One pair has Bigfoot going through a forest in an unending pattern.  I wore them to physical therapy and my therapist went wild!  She loved them and wished she could get some for her husband.  The next time I went, I did not wear them and she was disappointed.  

    All of that has nothing to do with understanding my body.

    I wore pants all day today.  I pulled the belt tight, but not too tight.  All day I was fine.  I went out.  Walked around.  No problem.

    At 8:45 tonight I was doing dishes and my pants just fell to the floor!  I hiked them up, walked into the living room and they fell again!  So I pulled the belt one notch tighter and that helped.

    This is not the first time I have experienced this.  After 8 p.m. my belly seems to shirnk. (Beth, stop laughing.  I am serious.)  The belt length that held my pants up all day is too loose at about 8 p.m.  Weird.

    Also about that time, I itch like crazy on my chest and belly.  Every night.  Some nights I take a Benadryl to stop the itching, some night I just scratch.

    In bed, my feet suddenly start burning and itching and I spray with Lotrimin, or something along that line.

    Any logical answers would be appreciated.

    I think I am built wrong....because my nose runs and my feet smell.  Should be the other way around.

    Watch out for snow and ice tomorrow...could be a major problem in our area.

    Stay safe.  Stay home.  Stay in a mask.

Peace and Love

PS.....if you did not see anything weird about the kitchen towel in yesterday's blog, check out the animals at the end of line two and the start of line three.  

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