Thursday, December 10, 2020 do I do that?.....268

 I had a full afternoon today

    Not to share TMI, but my aim isn't very good ever since the surgery.  Ever see a firehose when a fireman drops it?  I am in that category.

    I had a quick appointment with the doctor, and he assured me everything was fine...progressing as it should.  The "stream" should improve, give it time.

    In the meanwhile, don't stand near me in a men's room.

    He mentioned that my NBA level dribbling could be influened by caffeine.  He suggested switching to decaf products for a while.

    I had a physical therapy appointment and we always open the session with a frank discussion of my waste elimination, planned and unplanned.

    The PT is a young woman, great personality, and demanding.  As we were  talking about the caffeine, she asked me how much I drink during the day.  I mentioned I have a cup of tea in the morning, sometimes pop at lunch, and usually a cup of tea or coffee in the afternoon.

    She suggested cutting back......but the way she did it put the onus on me.

    "I am not going to tell you what to do.  That is your choice.  But you know caffeine makes you go to the bathroom, you are going a lot, you don't want to continue doing that.  But you are an adult, and you need to make adult decisions.  Just don't keep doing the same thing you are doing and complain to me that you have a problem."

    I thought about that at Starbucks after my PT session.  Making adult decisions has never been my strong point.  

    But today I ordered a decaf coffee.  And tomorrow I will drink decaf tea. At some point I need to get my body to work with me, not against me....and if I have to give up caffeine for a while, then I will make the adult decision and do it.

    Thank heavens wine neveer entered the conversation.  I do have my limits on being an adult.

    Stay safe.   Stay healthy.  Wear a mask.

Peace and Love

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