Tuesday, December 8, 2020


 It was kind of a gray day today

    I don't think the sun ever came out and my disposition mirrored that.

    I get frustrated easily and I am frustrated today.  

    I went for a walk, taking Corki, but I had to cut the walk short.  I made the mistake of underdressing for the weather.  I wore my lounge pants, and they were not warm enough in the cutting wind.  

    I say lounge pants, but they really are pajama bottoms....who am I kidding.  I have 5 pairs, probably should have more at this point.  I just bought two from Eddie Bauer and when I wore one of them outside yesterday, I was warm.  I wore an older pair out today and I was freezing....might as well have been in shorts.

    So we came in a little sooner than I expected.

    Jackie and Lanet made cookies today, our first batch.  I went into the basement and watched Band of Brothers again, just to keep out of the way and avoid bending and lifting.  I am trying to take it easy, but I feel like a slacker.

    Just a blah day...matching the weather.

    Maybe there will be sun tomorrow.

    Stay safe.  Wear a mask.  Stay healthy

Peace and Love.....RIP John Lennon.....40 years ago today.

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