Wednesday, September 30, 2020


I am not sure what to say 

This may be a brief post.  Not sure yet.

I had my follow up with the urologist regaerding my biopsy.

Of the 10 samples, 2 showed positive for cancer.

One of the two shows a more aggressive cancer than the other.

No sign it has spread.

You inow I am an emotional guy and I admit I have cried more than a few tears today.  I expect I will cry a few more tonight.

I am scheduling appointments with two specialists, one who is an oncology radiologist and another urologist who specializes in robotic prostate surgeries.  After I visit with them, I will review my options and make a decision.

I am scared.  I am apprehensive.  I am worried.  I don't like needles, surgeries, hospitals, pain.....

We will need to find someone to provide 24 hour in home care once the surgery is done, because I won't be able to lift or do anything for several weeks.  So someone will need to be here to help Jackie.

I have some friends I will be reaching out to in the next few days for advice and for their perspective.

The good news is it was caught early.  

So, that's it.

Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Mask it or casket.

Peace and Love

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

day....oh no!!....199

 I spoke too soon yesterday

    I found another box of my mother's pictures!

    Oh my gosh!!!

    There are about 20 framed photos and two more albums.....but these are different.

    I was browsing through one and in the middle of Christmas pictures were old black and whites of my mother as a child with two of her sisters.  Other pictures were my grand parents, paternal grandmother, my dad on horseback....all intermixed with color photos of family events.

    Then there is a third album of pictures from before she married my father!  These are all identified, but I don't know the people.  I don't want to sound Oedipal, but she was a pretty good looking lady back in the 30s!  I think I got some of those good looks!

    Thus the trip down memory lane continues.  But I think I will check with my brother and bring them to him for him to look at too before I do anything with them.

    Then I am starting on my pictures....and I have a lot of them.  I told Jackie we will have to be pretty selective in what we keep and what we toss.

    Pictures....a never ending project and topic, it seems.  Sorry about that.

    And Jackie pointed out to me something I completely nephews are about the same age as Julia.  In the photo yesterday, I speculated that may we were not in the picture because Julia was a newborn.... but the boys look about 5 or so.  There goes that theory.  Maybe we weren't invited.....

Peace and Love  

Monday, September 28, 2020


I said good bye to lots of family members today 

    I finished looking through ny mom's albums.  It was a trip down memory lane, to be sure.  To see all those aunts and uncles and cousins ..... a lot of  them gone now.... was a real treat.

    Yes, I saved a couple of pictures.  But the tub full of photo albums is now reduced to a handful of pictures plus one album with about 8 pictures in it.

    One picture I love is a Christmas gathering at my folks' house.  My Uncle Henry was a professional photographer, and I am pretty sure  he took this photo.

    But I am not in the picture.  Neither is Jackie.

    I can't believe I did not go to my parents house for a Christmas when so many of the family were there!  (I think my syntax is off on this.  was?  were?  Let me know.)

    There is no date on the photo.  Mom very seldom dated photos and never explained who the people were.  In fact, sometimes her albums had pictures from 1978 and 1990 on the same page.   I honestly don't know how she did that.

    Anyway, I suspect this is from 1970.  Julia would have been just a few weeks old and we may not have wanted to make the drive from DeKalb to Chicago.

    Or it could have been a year we spent the day with Jackie's parents.  Without a date, I'll never know.

    I do have one more album in the basement that my mother had.  I have no idea about this one.  These are pictures from the 1930s......Dewey Lake, my mom with my grandparents, the family dog....... fascinating pictures.  But I don't know what to do with them.  I really hate to throw them out because they are fascinating to look at.  I also have one from my father from then.....and it leaves me with a lot of questions!

    But that's another project for another day.

    I am beginning to like hot toddy time!  On my way to make one.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.

Peace and Love

Sunday, September 27, 2020


 I finally finished last year's vacation book

    I know!  Better late than sorry.

    At one point I could not type copy into the text square.  I contacted tech support via live chat and they told me to delete the cookies and cache on my computer.  So I did and it all worked.

    So, what the hell did I do?  I know what a cookie is, but should I delete them more often? 

    Anyway, just some pictures's late and I am tired.

    Pam...I was wrong about San Francisco.  I think this is Disney Land.
    My how the little impatients have grown!

    The next two pictures were taken from a building downtown.  Notice the top of the building and how it do they figure out these things?

    Looks like you can see through it!

    Fascinating, almost as much as cookies.

    Stay healthy.  Mask it or casket.

Peace and Love

PS....I am finishing a hot toddy, so please excuse my spelling and syntax.  Whatever the hell that means.

Saturday, September 26, 2020


This was a very strange day 

    It was not sunny.   It was not 85.  It was not rainy.  (Or at least when I am writing this it was not.)  It is windy.

    So much for the forecast!

    It was a comfortable day.  I spent half my time putting on a sweatshirt and the other half taking it off.  Ok, I am exaggerating a bit.

    I did spend time on the computer deleting stuff.  

    My computer is running molasses .... but there is plenty of available memory, so that is not the problem.

    John and Emily have looked into it, I spent 90 minutes on the phone with a tech support person who ran all sorts of tests and reboots and resets and tests and it did not improve the speed.

    I started with 9,180 photos.  I have whittled it down to 8,785.  Good grief.

    And e mails.  We have a security system  Every night when I arm it I get a notice that the system is activated.  In the morning I disarm it and get a notice the system is deactivated.  2 a day.  We've had the system 3 years.  So I deleted all of those, and the ones from advertisers, and the ones from the zoo, and the daily Tribunes.....there were a lot of e mails.

    But it still is slow.  

    I have emptied the trash.  I have deleted the deletes.  No difference. appointment with the Geniur bar is next. 

    In the meantime....I want to introduce, through the magic of video, my new acquisition for the native garden.

    I will put it out next spring, gives me time to clear coat it to keep it looking neat.  I just hink it will be an interesting addition to my little prairie.

    That's it for me.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Mask it or casket.

Peace an Love

Friday, September 25, 2020


 I did some shopping today

    I can't tell you what I bought, but I will take pictures tomorrow and show you then.

    It was strictly a whim purchase.

    That should pique your interest a little.

    I did finish going through my mom's albums.  I pulled pictures I thought people might want, and then I put the albums in bags to put in the garbage.  Then I opened the bags and looked at the albums again.

    It's hard parting with them,  because I feel I am parting from my mother....again.

    I did keep some pictures of her..... by a Greyhound bus holding a suitcase,  in front of a giant pan for finding gold in Alaska, in front of a trolley in SanFrancisco, one with her boys.

    The pictures are a link to her.  and yes, it has been almost 20 years but it still seems like yesterday.

    Life goes on, doesn't it?

    Here's another new purchase goes with my native garden area.

    Stay tuned.

Peace and Love

    And som pictures from my native plot.

See the little hummingbird?  Ok, this is not from the plot.

More and more dead ones every day.

Thursday, September 24, 2020


 I honestly feel like I am on vacation

Doctor's lifting for four days.  

    I went to pick up a couple of plates at supper and Emily yelled at me to put them down.  

    She is taking out my garbage, including he bag of dog poop that has been marinating in the garage for two weeks because I keep forgetting to put it in the trash.

    I am expected to do I am doing that.

    Today I took a blanket out to the front porch and sat in my chair at about 11.  I woke up a little after 2.  

    It seemed to be a nice day, but I was freezing!  I sat out there in my sweatshirt and shorts with a fleece blanket covering me.  At one point a bird actually landed on my leg!  I felt this plop and opened my eyes to see a sparrow staring at me.  I'm just happy it wasn't a turkey vulture thinking I was carrion.

    I also saw a humming bird in between bouts of sleep.  

    I only watched one half inning of the Cub game but I did go through a lot of pictures.

    Tonight I took part in a Zoom play reading, something I had never done before.  It was interesting, but I printed the script on paper and everyone else seemed to be reading it on the computer, which I am not sure I know how to do.

    Strangely, I am still cold and tired.  I think I will make a hot chocolate and head to bed.  Emily is here to get Jackie into bed because I can't do the lifting that is often needed.

    Thank you all for your concern.  I really do appreciate it.

Peace and Love

Wednesday, September 23, 2020


 I am not sure how appropriate this post will be

    Feel free to stop reading at any time.

    Men over a certain age have issues with a little something called a prostate.

    Frequently, a test called a PSA, is used to measure prostate health.  I get tested regularly for a reason.

    3 years ago my PSA was 3.4, then it went to 3.9 then to 4.8.  At that point, it was decided to see a urologist, who went with twice a year testing.  5.5, 5.4, 5.5....numbers were holding steady.

    Then .....6.9.  Concern was raised.  Options discussed.  The doctor's preferred option was to biopsy the prostate.  My option was to not do anything and let nature take its course.  After all, I'm 72.

    But the doctor's arguments outweighed my fears.

     I told him I did not like needles, any kind of procedures, or invasive issues of any kind.


    Luckily, I exaggerate.  It was not 5 inches, only 4 and a half.

    Well, I said, if that is what needs to be done.  Can you do it at the hospital in DeKalb?


    Surprised, I asked about the anesthesia that puts me into a slightly altered state, like a lite sleep.


    After recovering from my momentary swoon, I agreed to the procedure.

    Then he spoke the words I have been dreading, frightened by, and which have now caused me to lose sleep for three weeks.


    I pointed out two things.  One, I live an hour a way and 30 minutes would mean I would be shitting in the car.  Second, I don't give myself enemas.

    Well, it turns out a lot of people I asked would not give me an enama either.

    That's why I was mainting a dog position on the bathroom floor at 6:15.  I could not maintain my balance and find the spot, if you catch me drift.  So I went to the next example, on my side but it turns out my arms are too freaking short to find the target.

    If you have come in our bathroom at 6:45 this morning, you would have seen a buff naked 72 year old with his bare ass on the floor, left leg on the counter and a clear view of the planet Uranus.

    But by golly, that enema was administered.  All by myself.

    And don't believe the label when it says expect results in 1 to five worked damn fast.

    Making a long story shorter, Emily drove me to Sandwich, nice nurse Edith had me undress (after 2 more trips to the bathroom), the good doctor inserted his probe, numbed the prostrate, did an ultrasound, and took 10 samples, which are now on the way to being analyzed.

    I am not to do anything for the next four days.  No lifting, no exercising, just resting.

    Lanet is coming some days, Emily is coming some days, and Emily is covering nights, at least for tonight.  

    The good doctor recognized my anxiety and prescribed a valium, which I took on the way there.  On the way home, Emily detoured through DeKalb and we stopped at Starbucks.

    I came home, fell asleep in the chair while Emily took Jackie to an eye doctor appointment.

    When they came back, I asked Emily how we got home.  I vaguely remember Starbucks, and I don't remember drinking my coffee, but I did.

    Since the doctor said alcohol was ok and I had no food or drink restrictions, I have opted for a ginger ale....with a liberal dose of whiskey.  

    I   do  anticipate a good night's sleep.

Peace and Love

Tuesday, September 22, 2020


 I do know how to spell

    Yesterday I spelled mommas should have been mamas.  I corrected it, but for some reason the post still had it wrong.  It was right on the blog page, but not on Facebook.

    Go figure.

    I tried to spell bestest on a FB post the other day.  It autocorrected to beset.  Then I retyped it.  It autocorrected to beast.  After the third try, which I think was bestial, I gave up.

    I know I can turn off auto correct on my phone....I just don't know how.  I have the same problem there.  My texts sometimes make no sense because a word was autocorrected and I did not notice.  I don't know if I can turn it off on FB.

    So....kind of feeling weird tonight.....calling it a night.

    Hope I can sleep.

Peace and Love

Monday, September 21, 2020

day.....Mamas and Papas.....191

 I love listening to oldies on the radio

    One of my favorite groups were (or is it was?) the Mamas and Papas.  I loved Monday, Monday and California Dreaming.   To be honest, I had kind of a crush on Mama Cass.  I know!  

    Lead female singers always seemed to get my attention, no matter the shape or size.  Spanky McFarland of Spanky and our Gang.  Grace Slick of Jefferson Airplane.  Janis.  Cher.  At some point I had romantic fantasies about them all.

    The music still resonates with me.  I know a lot of the words to a lot of songs.  Some of the words are even correct.  It is not scuse me while I kiss  this guy, or plasticine porters with looking glass eyes.... but I swear that is how I remember hearing the lyrics.

    Someone posted a video of top selling artists from 1960 to now.  It was funny to see the Beatles still among the top selling artists in the early 90s, despite having broken up in 1969.  And Elvis was still a hot item, although he was either dead or living as a recluse in Michigan, depending on what newspaper you were reading.

    Recently Drake has been a top artist.  I would not know a Drake tune if he came to my house and sang it to me personally.  I have listened to some of the other top ones from redent years, Adele, Lady Gaga, Beyonce......but that is about my limit.

    You see, for me music died sometime in the 70s.  I think the BeeGees killed it for me.  Disco fever helped bury the music.  And rap?  I don't think that is my style or  fits my personality.  I do like Queen....and Pink Floyd.... and probably a few other 70s groups, but after that my playlist shrinks.

    Once upon a time I was helping with a high school production.  We were in the "green room" and one of the girls started singing Wild Thing.  I immediately joined in and even played air guitar.  I thought all was well until she said she was surprised I knew about Wild Thing and did I like Sam Kinison.

    I was lost.  My Wild Thing was by the Troggs in 66 or so.  Her Wild Thing was by Sam Kinison in the 80s or so. 

    Same song.

    Some words might have been the same.  

    Same tune. 

    Different generations.  

    At least we had one thing in common.

    Stay healthy.  Mask it or casket.

Peace and Love

Sunday, September 20, 2020

day..... nada....190

I have nothing to say 

    I think of all the little things I should do, the ones I don't do, and I get mad at myself for procrastinating.

    We did have a nice talk with Julia today.  If it wasn't for Skype, I would be lost.  I love seeing her face and hearing her voice.

    Funny thing happened Friday.  Someone stays with Jackie from 1-4 so I can have some me time.  Usually I go to the store or run errands.  We had a repairman here Friday at 2, so I came home to be here when he was here.

    After that I rode my bike around the block.

    Actually, I rode out through neighborhoods to the south.  It ended up being about a 10 mile ride.  Saw a couple of people along the way and stopped to talk.  I got home and looked at my watch, it was not quite 3:30.  I had another half hour and debated going past the old house, but opted to go home instead.

    Got there, visited with our caretaker, and she got up to leave at 3:35.  After she left, I mentioned to Jackie that I was surprised she left early.  Jackie asked me what time it was, and I said 3:40. 

    Imagine my surprise when she told me it was really instead of leaving early, she stayed longer.

    It's a new watch, so it can't be the battery.

    Huh.....for having nothing to say, I did run on a lot.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Mask it or casket.

Peace and Love

Saturday, September 19, 2020


 I mowed again today

I know, whoop di do.

I have lost track of mowing.  We had the drought, then a lot of rain, and I mowed, but I don't remember if I did it once or twice before today.

Why does it make a difference?

I filled the gas tank when I mowed after the rains.  2 gallons of gas.

I ran out in the middle of the yard today.

Now, if I mowed twice and then today, no sweat.  But if I only mowed once and then today, then my mower is getting crap for gas consumption.  Unlike one time last year when I ran with the choke open and did not even get in one mowing, I have been putting the choke down.  

I had a full day.  Did laundry, went to Headon's for their 50th anniversary party and talked with several people.  We all were wearing masks, except when I ate a bratwurst.  Dan and Linda....missed you by a couple of minutes....Lyle said you left right before I got there.  Did two loads of laundry, broke my string trimmer, mowed, did a quick weed of the prairie, enjoyed a cup of coffee on the deck and ate a Krumkake or two.  Ok, it's a pastry ..... like a crumb cake..... and was pretty good.

And for the second day in a row, no wine.  What is wrong with me?

Stay safe.  Wear a mask....I saw three large gatherings today and not a lot of masks at 2 of them.  Stay healthy.

Peace and Love

This is rattlesnake master.......

Black eyed Susans starting to fade.

Coneflowers are also starting to fade

Friday, September 18, 2020


 Actually, every day for me is a Friday

    I am in my 12th year of retirement.  I ran into a former student today and she said I was her favorite teacher of all time.

    No matter how many times I hear that, it still makes me tear up a little.  

    Hedge apples.  

    I love hedge apples.  

    No, you can't eat them.  They have a tendency to rot and get real sticky.  But I love them.

    I would collect them in the fall and take some  into school, telling kids they were monkey brains.  They never believed me  Sometimes I would just lay a couple on the counter by the window and not say anything.  Eventually someone would get curious and we would talk about them.

    I have a spot to collect them, but I went there the other day and only found one.  I would like a few more.  So I went to another spot I knew they could be found, and there were none there.

    My undrestanding is years ago, before fencing, osage orange trees were planted close together to form a natural fence.  The wood is strong, and made for good fencing.  The osage orange is the tree that produces hedge apples.  As fencing and farms grew, the trees fell out of favor.  

    I did see a couple of farm fields with long rows of trees, and at least one field looked like it had hedge apples.  But I really don't want to climb over a barbed wire fence and walk through a farmer's field.

    Rumors are the apples keep mice and spiders out of the garage.  I have put them in the garage and still had mice and spiders, but maybe that was just me.  I also heard deer love them, but again, I have no evidence they do.

    I just like the look of them.  Plus, they are another sign that fall is here and after this summer, that is a welcome change.

    Funny thing...went to the store today with a list of stuff, including a pineapple and milk.  Came home without either.  They were on the list.

    Pineapple juice....has neither pine nor apple, so I'd say it's a fraud beverage all around......(name that play!)

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Mask it or casket.

Peace and Love

The railroad park in town

Thursday, September 17, 2020


 This is kind of a

    Believe it or not, this is post 2,400!  

    At least, that is what my official stats page tells me.

    And so far my posts have gotten a shade over 193,000 views.  

    Now to me, that is amazing.  I don't write about anything controversial.  It's not hold on to your seats exciting.  It's just my average day, my weird thoughts, and the things I experience.

    Like today.

    Went on a bike ride with Gwen.  We taught fifth grade together at Tilton for years and I thought we made a pretty good team.  It was a fun time.  Teaching with her and the ride, both.

    I got coffee at Cypress House.  I was a pumpkin spice virgin until today.  Never had one.  Not even at Starbucks.  But I tried it today and it wasn't bad.  I may have another one or two before the season shifts to peppermint mochas.

    Called John to come over an pick up Jackie from the floor.  She didn't fall as much as slid off the seat she was trying to take.  No injuries, no blood, no hurt....just a gentle slide to the floor.

    Enjoyed one last glass of rosé....for now.  I have two bottles left, but will save those for later.  

    Did my weekly newspaper column.  I am shocked I have not won a Pulitzer yet.

    And I got my crinkle cut carrot cutter.  Now I can harvest carrots and crinkle cut them just like the fancy ones in the frozen food aisle.

    Folks, life doesn't get any better.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.   Mask it or casket.

Peace and Love

Wednesday, September 16, 2020


Sometimes I don't understand big businesses 

    A few months ago I ordered a book through Amazon.  It was billed as used, hardcover.  When I got it it was a paperback.  So I complained.

    They gave me my money back and said keep the book.

    I ordered some items from a name retailer on line in August.  They are still in the shipping boxes, unopened, in the garage.  We don't need them.

     I tried to return them on line, but the site was not working.  Tonight I used the chat feature to ask what to do.

    Nice customer service rep told me he was working on the paperwork to return the items to the store item they won't take back.  They are refunding me the money, but don't want the $17 item back.  They suggested we either donate the item  or simply toss it.

    That confuses me....why not take the item back?  It isn't open, still sealed, and it's an item that can't why not take it back?

    Yet, they still make billions every year.

    I am watching/listening to the Cubs.  They are in a drone delay!  A drone is flying over the park.  Never had that happen before.

    Another sign of the times.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Mask it or casket.

Peace and Love

Tuesday, September 15, 2020


 I am living Groundhog Day

    Get up, do chores, ride my bike, play on the computer.....

    Actually, I had a visitor today.  A health care practitioner came to do a review of my health for my insurance provider.  They try to do this yearly, despite the fact I go to the doctor every four months.

    We sat on the porch because it was also cleaning day.  We had a nice conversation over a half hour or so.   Then she said it was time for a cognitive test.

    She gave me three words to remember.   I repeated the words. Then she gave me a task to do....drawing a clock, including the numbers, and showing 2:30 as the time.  I joked that with digital clocks, a lot of people might not be able to do that.

    I did my drawing and gave it to her and she asked what the three words were.

    Very confidently I said, "Village, kitchen and ........" my mind went blank. She said that was ok, my drawing and the fact I remembered two of the words showed that my mind was intact.

    So, unlike a certain politician, I did not ace that part of the test.

    But I passed.

    After the visit I read for a while, then rode my bike, and made "Chef's Surprise" for supper.  

    I made spaghetti, heated some sauce, broiled some hot dogs, cut them up, put them in a casserole pan, covered it with mozzarella cheese and baked it until the cheese melted. 

    I thought it tasted pretty good....but I learned tonight, after 50 years of marriage, Jackie does not like hot dogs in her spaghetti. Since Sheldon liked it, I figured everyone did.

    But I was wrong.  C'est la vie!

    That's it for me.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Mask it or casket.

    And by the way, baby was the third word.  Yeah, now I remember.  Could have aced it!

Peace and Love

Monday, September 14, 2020

day......damn ....184

What has he done this time? 

    I know that's what you are thinking, aren't you?

    The answer is, nothing on purpose.

    Things just happen in clusters for me.  

    For example, friend John called and asked if we were going to be home tomorrow because they were going to be close and thought they would stop over.  I have a 1 p.m. home medical visit scheduled by my insurance company.  Of all the days for two things to happen, it would be tomorrow.  Plus, we have our cleaning person coming in the afternoon too, so my insurance company interview will have to be on the porch.

    Jackie has an appointment with the same lady two days later....why they did not schedule both at the same time is beyond me.  That would have made sense.

    I bought some goods from Walmart on line.  I don't need them.  But since it was on line, I can't just take them back to the store.  I have to file for a return on line.  Then I can take it to the store.

    I have tried three times today.  I got the message saying the site was down twice, and now I get a page not found or cookies too large.  I took that personally, I don't think my cookies are too large and besides, it is none of their business what size my cookies are.  Or aren't.

    Technology is not my friend.

    I mowed today for the first time in about a month.  Yard looks nice, except for the spots it doesn't look nice.  I also got a short bike ride in, which is a great mental break for me.

    I sort of feel like a Nascar driver though.  I ride around my block.  It is about 2.2 miles for a complete loop, a little less if I avoid Skare Road.  I took the road today, but when that maniac driver in the van honked loudly at me as he sped past, I realized how dangerous it was out there.  OK, I lied.  It wasn't a maniac driver.  It was son in law John and he went around me very carefully.  I did three laps using the road and one not using the road, giving me a ride a little over 8 miles.  

    Time, not fatigue, is the determining factor in how long I ride.  I stick to the block because if Jackie needs me for something I am just minutes away.  

    But it does get kind of boring just going around and around. And around.  Unlike Nascar drivers, I do have to make left and right turns. 

    That's it in a nutshell.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Mask it or casket.

Peace and Love

Sunday, September 13, 2020


Today was a day for the animals 

    Cubs have a no hitter.  Bears have a comeback win.

    And I see wildlife in the yard, almost up close and personal.

    I opened the bedroom blinds this morning and a huge hawk flew past the window!  It had a red fan tail, so I am assuming it was  a red tailed hawk.  It flew out to the back of the yard and sat on a tree branch on my bur oak.

    I don't ever recall seeing one near my yard before.

    To recap, a couple of weeks ago I saw a bunny, and last week I saw two foxes...critters I had not seen in the 8 plus years we have been in this house.

    I also notice a decrease in the number of ground squirrels...and I thank the foxes and the hawk for that.

    Tonight Corki chased a toad, and the other night I saw a frog hopping across my driveway.  I think it was a bumps and long legs.  I am not near water, so maybe a tree frog?  It was dark....but the frog was green.

    By the time I got my camera, the hawk was leaving.  But it did leave a present for me on the patio, at least I think it had to be from the hawk.  It was too large for the sparrows and finches that hang around my feeders.

    That's my life.....quick bike ride, made impossible cheeseburger pie for supper, baked an apple pie that was in the freezer and opened a nice little bottle of rosé.  I have one left, and will probably save it.  My friend David said rosé in the fall     or winter brings a little bit of summer back in one's life.  I will try that.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Mask it or casket.

Peace and Love

This is not from a sparrow....

    On a sad note today, I opened my last dark chocolate bar.  I have chopped it up into pieces and will only have one a day.  I think I have a fan blade coming out of my head!

Saturday, September 12, 2020

day......oh well......182

I don't have much to say today 

    I know!  That's unusual.

    So, I am posting some it a walk into my past.  

That little lady dancing on the left is my mom.  She is dancing with my cousin Gene.

Dress up day...with our first dog as a mascot

    The front of my parents' house in Chicago.  That is Julia on the ground.  My mother loved roses and the front of her house was a natural trellis. Jackie is on the porch.


    This is a strange mom is on the right, second row from the bottom.  Lorraine Sally Koehler.  I think there is a strong family resemblence between her, my btother and me.

    But go up a few rows from the bottom  you will see Stacy Keach.  He went to Lake View High School with my mom.  He had a 5 decade career in movies and tv, first appearing on film in 1942 and last in 1997.  His son is also Stacy Keach, but he did not go to Lake View.

    This page is from the 1932 LVHS yearbook.

    That's all I know om this humid, misty, crappy day.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Mask it or casket.

Peace and Love

Friday, September 11, 2020


I took  a road trip today 

    I will be honest.  Dixon IL has never impressed me.  Until today.

    I made a trip  to visit the Northwest Territory Historic Center in Dixon.  The museum is housed in an old school building, built in 1898 if I remember correctly.

    There are 3 floors of displays.  Admission is free, but donations are accepted.

    Since it is Dixon, Ronald Reagan is highlighted.  There is also a room for the Walgreen family and a neat display on the Blackhawk Indian War as well as other neat schtuff.  I didn't see anything on Rita C, however.

    My favorite display was the Chautauqua Room.  Chautauquas were gatherings in small towns in the late 1800s and early 1900s.  They were designed to bring culture and knowledge to the rural uninformed.

    According to the info at the museum, the Dixon Chautauqua was the second largest in the United States.  It featured a central pavilion, which sadly burned in 1941, and streets with cabins and tents for the people attending.  There was a model of the pavilion, which was amazing, and a model of the Chautauqua grounds, which was also amazing.  My pictures don't justify it.

    And the Blackhawk War I always thought was pretty limited  to a battle here and there.  The initial battle was at Stillman's Run, in Stillman Valley, but that was just one of dozens of battles that took place between Blackhawk's band and Illinois militia members.

    Sadly, the final battle was the Battle at Bad Axe River in Wisconsin, where many Native Americans were killed by the militia and other settlers.  Many of those killed, and scalped, were children and women.  Not really a proud moment.

    A final tidbit I picked up, according the museum displays: young Ronnie Reagan was working for a radio station in Des Moines broadcasting Cubs games..  When the team went on a road trip out west, he went with and did a screen test.  The rest is history.  I am not sure who the Cubs would have played out west in the 30s or 40s......and the museum didn't elaborate.

    The bonus was the bakery and coffee shop, where I bought incredibly good looking and great tasting muffins for breakfast, along with a coffee.  I had planned to go to Books on First, but I already bought my coffee.

    Lots of places to eat or grab a beverage.  And plenty of free parking.

    I will go back because I want to visit the book store get some more delicious baked goods!

    That's it for me on a rainy, cold Friday.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Mask it or casket.

Peace and Love

I even got up front and personal with a bison!
Ok, I did tell a staff member that young Blackhawk might be underdressed.
Angry settlers telling Native Americans to leave their land...ironic, huh.
This is a model of the Chautauqua village in Dixon.
Model of the central pavilion.

Over 14,000  Jelly Belly beans made up Dixon's most famous resident's portrait.  You could say it was a sweet piece of art.  Linda....ever work with jelly beans?
Book shop on the left corner, but plent of free parking downtown
Nice little bakery and an art gallery next door.....and a not crowded shopping experience.

Thursday, September 10, 2020


 Did I really just type day 180?

    Holy crap.  That's a long time.

    I do have another type of problem though.

    We are moving into fall.  That means I have to finish my collection of rosé wine relatively soon, because rosé is a warm weather, summer wine.

    I think I have four bottles left.  I don't know how well they keep, I suspect they would be fine next summer, but I am not positive.

    Bacchus knows, it was odd drinking a rosé today with a 50 degree temp outside.  But I carried on, sacrificing for the good of the bottle.  Truthfully, any wine would have been good was that kind of day.

    Hell, it's been that kind of year.

    One of the things I miss about not having a wood burning fireplace is getting a fire going on a crisp night, like tonight.  It is 57 outside.  I did put our gas fireplace on for about 25 minutes, just to take the chill out of the air, but it is not the same.  No smell of smoke, no ashes, no lighting matches countless times and swearing because the wood isn't catching.  But honestly, I do miss it.

    Just another thing about life I seem to be missing in 2020.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Mask it or ..... oh hell, what does it matter now.

Peace and Love

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

day ....... more rain.......179

Ever sense a theme?

    When I write this blog, I often mention my trouble with sleep and my weird dreams.

    Not tonight.  I will not mention the aches and pains that kept me awake, or the voice announcing rain that woke me up after I eventually fell asleep.  I will not even mention my dreams.

    Although, it was pretty cool wearing a chicken outfit and dancing in front of 1.000 people who were attending the British comedian's traveling vaudeville show.  Why a chicken outfit?  Because I was picked as the funniest audience member!  That was after I used my vocal abilities to mimic castenets while  I had my face made up with black washable marker.  But you know what I wonder most about this dream?  Why I didn't do the chicken dance dressed as a chicken.  They played a polka.

    I made a quick survey of the garden....only a couple of tomatoes left and two or three cucumbers.  I guess the growing season is coming to an end.  Next week I will dig carrots, clean, cut, and freeze them.  I would love to do a crinkle cut, but have no idea how.

    How about some pictures?  

Top picture  and bottom one are a little different...I moved the coral bells and put in some onions.  Next year it will look much better
Maybe that is a little too much barbecue sauce on my fake chicken patty!

    Sometimes I buy wine because I like the bottles....if you like these bottles, let me know and you can have them.  I think each one would make a nice flower holder....and the one second from the left even has a glass stopper!

    That's all for me.
    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Mask it or casket.
Peace and Love

Tuesday, September 8, 2020


 Fall arrived with a bang today

    I went from shorts and t-shirts to long jeans and a sweatshirt. Well, actually I have been wearing a sweatshirt a lot, but now I really need it.

    Jackie's boyfriend talked to us last night several times.  Heavy rain near Rochelle.  Lightning near Rochelle.  Rain near Rochelle.  Corki came up on the bed again, but did not stay long this time.

    I had several unrelated weird dreams, each one ending with a lightning bolt and a trip to the bathroom.  It was a long night.

    Jackie likes the fan on at night because she gets hot.  The fan bothers my face....I get congested from it blowing on my face.

    I tried making a tent over the upper part of my body, but that does not work.  The blanket keeps falling down.  I have a couple of clamps I thought of using, but I have not done that yet.

    Last night I took a small towel and placed it over my head.  That seemed to work, except for when I tossed and turned and the towel fell off.  

    My next attempt at a remedy will be to move to a different room for sleep, but if Jackie needs me in the middle of the night, I might not be able to hear her.

    Lightning, towel on my head, weird dreams, sore hip and arms, hot tea too close to bedtime...all combined to make for a lousy night of sleep.

    Hopefully the BF will be quiet tonight and weather will nto be an issue.  And the house is cool enough that maybe the fan won't be needed.

    So....a good night's sleep is possible at this point.  We shall see.

    Sleep tight...

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Mask it or casket.

Peace and Love

Monday, September 7, 2020


 I actually did something today

    I planted three new plants, relocated four others, weeded the slope, raked the area where my septic tank was disturbed, reseeded that, did a load of laundry and wrote.

    It truly was one of my more productive days.

    Maybe it's the hint of fall in the air, and the fact I have several projects to finish, that pushed me into a state of almost work,

    By now I have also had a couple glasses of rosé, so I will be extra careful with spelling correctly tonight.

    I did go to sit outside and finish my last glass.  I sat down on a chair on the patio only to discover it had rained.  My butt is damp.  It wasn't much rain, but enough to make my seat wet.

    I still haven't finished going thru my mother's pictures.  I really need to do that so we can use the dining room table again.  Actually, we only use it 3 or 4 times a year for eating, the rest of the time it's empty, except for pictures and when Jackie does the check book.

    Maybe tomorrow, since it may be a rain day.

    So...that's it.  Thanks Judy for the impetus to finish what I started.  Almost done.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Mask it or casket.

Peace and Love

Sunday, September 6, 2020


 I have lost interest

    The Cubs.  The Bears.  Facebook.  Spider solitaire.  Bike riding.

    All just blah right now.

    Maybe I am just tired.  The storms came through at some early hour and really spooked Corki.  She was in her bed on the floor next to our bed.  But the lightning seemed to get to her.  She jumped up on the bed, snuggled next to Jackie's feet, then at some point moved up to snuggle between Jackie and me.  She never does that!

    She stayed for the rest of the night like that.  I got up at 8:30 and she was still between us.  Scared?  Cold?  Lonely?  Wish I could talk dog.

    So I am wearing a sweatshirt.  I sat outside for a while today with it on, then took it off then put it over me like a blanket.  I can't get warm until I get too warm.  No temp, just hitting that awkward season where I don't know what to wear.  I'm sure my neighbors saw me out in front with a sweatshirt on when it was 80 degrees and wondered why I was dressed like an Eskimo in Hawaii.  I don't know what that means.

    No foxes today.  I did have a great opportunity to plant my new plants, but no interest.

    John came over and brought two gigantic mums and some Kind bars.  Good timing, because I was down to my last bar and planned to go mum shopping later this week.  He also did some work on my porch railings because I need to paint them this fall.  Some of the paint has peeled and I want to power wash, sand if needed, prime and paint before it gets too cold.  

    We'll see how far I get.

    I also want to refinish my patio furniture before I put it away for the winter.  

    Again, we'll see how far I get.

    Guess I'll do something else now that will waste time and prevent me from going to bed.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Mask it or casket.

Peace and Love 

Saturday, September 5, 2020


 Today flew by!

    I spent a lot of time on my new obsession:  fox spotting.

    When I was eating lunch  on the patio today, two foxes were cavorting in the empty field next to our house.  Corki saw them and started barking, and they ran off  but they did not go too far.  I saw them in the culvert near the first house on the street.

    After that, it was sit on the patio and look for the foxes.  But I didn't see them again.

    I did manage to get up to a place and buy three plants for around the house...spaces that just need a little help because they are boring to the eye.

    Supper was brisket sandwiches by Hicks' barbecue...and they were outstanding, as always.

    I ate mine out on the patio, one eye on the food and the other on the field.  Nada.

    I did enjoy a nice, quiet moment until some yahoos on ATVs buzzed around in the green space before roaring north on Skare Road.

    I was a little mellow, mainly because of the mojito.  But it was so beautiful ... you can feel the fall creeping into our lives.

    I did not plant my new plants yet.  I am hoping the rains predicted for tomorrow will soften the earth up a little ... it is as hard as a rock.

    The advantage to having foxes around is the ground squirrel population should go down.  And this week, after 8 years here, I finally saw a rabbit in our back yard.  Maybe the foxes will hold down that population  as well.

    Life is a circle, isn't it?

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Mask it or casket.

Peace and Love and a peek at my garden

Friday, September 4, 2020

day.....stills ........174

I am still going through pictures 

    I am almost done with my mother's pictures, but it is not easy.  I look at them and so many memories come flooding back.  Then I can't decide what to do with the pictures.

    I will get through them this weekend.

    Aside from that, nothing really new.  Went for a bike ride in town, had coffee, finished my cucumber soup.......  I told Jackie if I wake up in the middle of the night with tremendous stomach issues, it could be the soup.  I made it several days ago and have no idea how long it will keep before it turns rancid and lethal.  

    We have a water softener.  For years I have gone to the store, bought salt, schlepped it home and down the stairs.  For years.

    Today I had it delivered.

    Yes, it cost more.  But I did not have to lift it into the car, out of the car, onto the cart and haul it down the stairs.

    But I am bothered by something.  The young man was very polite, had a mask, stacked the issue there  But do people tip them?  I mean, it is their job, right?  They are being paid to do that work.

    I felt guilty not tipping the if you have an opinion, please weigh in. 

    To be honest, I hate the whole concept of tipping.  Pay people a fair wage and we'll all be happier.

    Until on tipping appreciated.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Mask it or casket.

Peace and Love

Thursday, September 3, 2020


 I had quite the experience today

    My cuckoo clock quietly quit.  (Notice the clever use of alliteration?)

    I know the workings need to be cleaned and oiled every few years, and I just figured that was the problem.

    Last time that happened, I took it to a clock shop in Sycamore.  I called and confirmed their hours and went over today.

    I was driving eastbound on IL 38.  There was a pickup truck, another car, me, and 2 motorcycles behind me.

    As we approached Creston, the truck slowed to turn left.

    The car slowed, I quickly slowed and stopped, as did the motorcycles behind me.

    As the truck  began his turn and we started  moving, I looked in my rear view mirror and saw this van barreling toward the motorcycles!  Almost on top of them, the car veers to the right, goes into the ditch, and as the traffic moves, emerges out of the ditch onto the road!

    I can't believe the vehicle did not roll!

    The person continued on toward DeKalb at a much lower rate of speed.  I suspect there may have been some pants full of something at that point.

    It reminded me that just a second of lack of focus can mean life or death.

    I was glad everyone was ok.

    And the cuckoo?  Man opened it and said the gearing was really dirty and just needed to be cleaned and oiled.  It will be done in a couple of weeks.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Mask it or casket.

Peace and Love

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

day .....HELP!!!!......172

Houston, I have a problem

     I have put off admitting this for a while....but I think it is obvious.

    I am an OCD shopper.

    Yes, at one point I had a 7 month supply of toilet paper.  No, it was not pandemic buying, just regular buying that I stopped during the pandemic.

    Jackie and I have made a deliberate attempt to cut down on our pop consumption.  We usually have one or two cans a week, although I have gone weeks with only one can.  I am not counting the Squirt it use in my maybe a couple of cans a week some weeks.

    You all know I am cheap.  So when I see pop, or any other item we use a lot, on sale, I tend to buy.

    Tuesday I was in Walgreen's and they had Pepsi products 3 for $9. They also had some other pop on sale, 3 for $7.  

    I wasn't thinking.

    Here is what I now have, including what was in the pantry.

    I am officially stocked up for the summer.  And fall.  And probably most of winter.

    So tell me, do you think I have a problem?  I mean, the one besides a lack of common sense and impulse control an abundance of  ADD and negativity's a long list.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Stop over for a pop.  And remember, mask it or casket.

Peace and Love

Tuesday, September 1, 2020


 I think crime does pay, sometimes

    I read a story today about an accountant who swindled clients out of something close to $90 million.  He used it to buy property all over the world, boats, cars, and businesses.  He convinced people to invest with him, then he siphoned off the money and created fake spread sheets to show people they were earning money.

    Of course he got caught.  They all get caught.  Rita got caught in Dixon, and hers was only a $50 million scam.

    What got me is the accountant told a judge he was really sorry and was working full time to pay his victims back.  Really?  That must be one hell of a job!

    I could never do something like that.  First off, I don't have the brains to pull it off but most importantly, I have ethics and standards that I won't abandon just for a few million.  Well, completely abandon anyway.

    I did get a short bike ride in today.  There was a mist, sometimes a drizzle, and it actually reminded me of my trip to Holland in 2018.  We rode in the rain several days on that trip.  

    The only similarity was it was wet.  No lake to look at or coffee shops to vist for some apple cake. 

    So, even though it was raining, I enjoyed the ride because it brought back pleasant memories.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Mask it or casket.

Peace and Love