Thursday, June 11, 2020

I have actual flowers in my new garden

     The spiderworts haveburst forth in bloom.....well, as much as a new planting can burst.
     I have checked the garden and it seems I only lost 4 plants!  And that was my fault, because I was told three did not do well in full sun.  Guess the guy was right.
     Another one I pulled, thinking it was a weed.  I replanted it, but no luck.
     I spent a couple of hours today cleaning up a little building in the park across the road.  It is actually a museum, and the museum board is responsible for maintaining it.
     One person used to do that....but she moved several years ago and we have not cleaned it since.
     Four of us went over today and swept, dusted, washed windows....and it looks a lot better.
     I have a bag that weighs about 10 pounds.....dead Asian beetles.
     I also mowed....... and tomorrow I am going into town and riding the bike path for the first time!  I am excited.
     I just hope I can make the full has been a while.
     Stay healthy.  Stay safe.   Stay masked.
Peace and Love

Look hard and you can see the deer Corki barked at

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