Monday, June 15, 2020


I experienced a lot of changes today

     I started the day with jeans and a gray Swiss shirt.  I mowed, went into town, came home and rode my bike.
     So I changed into my new bright orange shirt and my biking shorts.
    And I rode.
     I got home and changed in to regular shorts and cooked supper, ate, and finished mowing the lawn.
     Wanting to take Corki for a walk, I changed from my bright orange shirt into my jeans and Swiss shirt,  putting me in the same clothes I started the day with.
     Now I have a pile of semi dirty clothes.
     Plus my new bright orange shirt. 
     I bought that for when I ride on roads.  It stands out.  People will see it and hopefully me and not hit me with their cars.
     I wanted a lime green....but the local WM had S, M. L, 3 XL and 4 XLK, none of which would work for me.
      I know this is vitally interesting, isn't it?
     Funny thing about mowing, I have been doing that every 4 days or so.....usually I mow when the grass is too long and it looks like crap when I am done.
     But the new me says keep ahead of it.  I am trying.
     And I am trying to get to bed earlier also.  Last night I finally fell asleep about 1....and that is way too late for me.  I wake up cranky.  When I wake up.
     That's it....pretty mundane day.
     Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Stay masked.
Peace and Love

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