Saturday, June 13, 2020


I think it is July 4 already

     Somebody in a nearby subdivision is putting on their own fireworks display.
     To be honest, I am always bothered around July 4.
     Too many people shooting off all sorts of stuff at all hours of the day.
     It's still two weeks to July 4, but some people have gotten an early start.
     I am turning into a grumpy old man.
     "Damn you kids, get off my grass!" is going to be the next statement I make.
     I have a list of things that tick me off.  Here are a few.
     People who can't figure out what to order at a fast food restaurant.
     People who wait until they get a total at checkout and THEN take out a checkbook and start writing a check.
     People who drive too slow.
     People who drive too fast.   Seriously, Rochelle police ticketed a suburban driver for doing 102 on the tollway.  102!  What the hell is wrong with people?
     People who disagree with me.
     People who drive 4 wheelers and ATVs on property that is not theirs.
     Tailgaters on the highway.
     Anyuone who doesn't use a turn signal.
     Loud cars, especially the person who drives past my house at 11 p.m. with a bass playing that shakes the windows.  Someday they will be deaf.
     Anyone who uses an outdoor  power tool before 9 a.m. on the weekend.
     Birds who crap on my patio chairs.
     Drunk drivers.
     Companies that sell cheap crap that falls apart as soon as you wear it.  Usually, those are found on Facebook.
     Anyone who doesn't like chocolate, or ice cream...although both those are dependent on the person's willingness to laugh at my jokes.
   Cardinal fans...unless they happen to be Bears fans, then I can overlook that flaw in their personalities.
     Feel free to share your tick me off things.
    Until you do, stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Stay masked.
Peace and Love

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