Sunday, June 28, 2020 close.....104

I tried a new recipe tonight

     If life had gone as planned, I would not be sitting in Rochelle writing this right now.
     I would be in London, anxiously awaiting our flight home.
     I would have spent some time with Julia, along with two of my US friends, enjoying Switzerland.
     It was  not to be this year.
     One of the foods I enjoy when I am at Julia's is filet de perche au  buerre........  at least I think that is the correct French title.  It's perch in butter.  I have eaten it several times each trip, and I love it.
     I was missing it.
     Emily bought some perch filets and I found a recipe on line called filet de perche Meuniere....a specialty of Lac Leman
     Leman is the French name for Lake Geneva.  Exactly what I want.
So I made it tonight.

     I followed the recipe as closely as I could.
     The problem I had is it is fish.  Jackie hates the smell of fish.
     So instead of cooking it in the house, I cooked it in a pan on the grill.
     The recipe says saute the fish for a couple of minutes on each side, then put on a warming tray.
     It's hard to saute on a grill.  So I let them cook....for about 15 minutes, then I flipped them over for another 15 minutes. 
     I don't think they were completely cooked, because they were not flaky.
     It looked good, but it was below what I wanted.
     I don't think the lack of mountains and a huge lake was a factor, but it could have been.
     I would grade it a C-.
     Next time, I'll cook it in the house.
     Had a nice visit with  Sheri this afternoon.  We chatted, safely distanced in the house, and two of us had a glass of white....which I had chilled to use in the fish recipe.
     Also got to Skype with Julia and take the dog for a walk.
     All in all, it was a pretty good day.
     Wish they were all that way.
     Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Wear a mask.
Peace and Love

Someone got creative along the bike path in town.

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