Wednesday, June 10, 2020

day........oh no.......85

It's deja vu, all over again

     Thanks, Yogi, for the inspiration.
     And note....this was Yogi Berra, not Yogi Bear.  One was a baseball player, the other a fictional cartoon character.
     I have an author I really enjoy.  Last Christmas, I ordered her newest book from Barnes and Noble.  It came, and I put it on the shelf to read this summer.
     Well......I picked it up yesterday and started reading.
     It sounded very familiar.  That's when I realized I already bought this book last summer, and read it then!
     And today, I called our eye doctor to schedule our Covid delayed exams.  I was asked if I had seem my retina specialist lately.  I said yes. I went sometime last fall.  And I could not remember his name.  That's no surprise, because I am terrible with names.
     Well....the local office called the retina specialist to narrow down the date of my last visit.  It was fall .......but it was 2018!  I never scheduled an appointment for last year at all!
     What the hell......
     Now my local visit is delayed until I see the retina guy, who does more specialized testing with equipment my local person does not have.
     I really need to pay more attention to the little details in life.
     Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Stay masked.
Peace and Love

PS.....if life was fair, this blog would be written in Liverpool tonight.  But....stuff happens!

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