Friday, June 5, 2020


Time for some stats talk

     Time flies when you are having fun.
     For example, this is post 2,296!  My math skills are asleep tonight, but I started this in 2014 as a way to fulfil a New Year's Resolution of actually finishing something I started.  (But 2,296 seems off when you figure the years.  But computers never lie, do they?)
     Since then, I have even put together puzzles, which were always difficult for me to finish. 
     But I still have not finished revising my book, or finishing my second book, or my third book.   The sands of time are running out.  Any chance I could be a successful author at some point?  By sucessful, I mean sell books to total strangers.  Why can't I finish?
     But I digress.
     So far, this little effort has had 184,000 plus page views. 
     I confess, I never expected to be doing it more than a year.  And I never expected people to read it.
     I think the first year had the funniest entries as I bared my soul to the 12 people who were reading it then.
     If statistics are any indication, most of you use Chrome as a platform to access it, and many of  you use an I Phone to read it.  I admire you...I can't even see the freaking texts when I get them.  Now I use a magnifying glass.....a sign of aging to be sure.
     Speaking of aging, Ringo Starr turns 80 in the next couple of weeks.  How did we get so old?  For those of you under a certain age, Ringo was  a drummer in a little band that hung around for a while in the 60s.
     And if it wasn't for Covid 19, I would be heading to their stomping grounds on Monday., along with Sheri and Linda.  We would have met Julia in London, gone to Liverpool to meet Matt and his dad for a highly personalized tour of all the Beatles, parks, Penny Lane, Strawberry Fields, Cavern Club, Casbah Club... anywhere the boys would have played.  And I bet we would have had a couple of pints along the way.
     Oh well.....sometimes life sucks.
    On that note, stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Stay masked.  Stay hopeful.
Peace and Love

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