Tuesday, June 30, 2020


I love my Sirius radio...until I don't

     I want to discontinue my service on one car.
     The Sirius website is designed to discourage people from doing that.  There is no easy way.
     You have to call.  When I called, I learned the call center is open from 8-8 EST, which means I missed them.
     You would think you could cancel on line....but nooooooo!  That would be too easy.
     When I talk to a rep, they will offer me several packages to keep me.  I don't want them.
     It will be a long conversation, I am sure, considering there will be a wait time before anyone answers my call.
     Sometimes life  is just too damn frustrating.  I ordered a battery for Corki's invisible fence and it was supposed to be here two weeks ago.  Every time I check the tracking number, it gives me a different day. 
     It's a battery, for dang sake.  It should not take a month.
     And then there's the chair.  I ordered a chair for the front porch, had second thoughts, and went to cancel the order but it was too late...it's already being processed.  I will have the option of returning it, but I will just probably keep it and use it as a reminder of being a better, more careful, shopper.
     Speaking of shopping...... how are you all doing?
     Do you run into stores that just don't seem to care if you are wearing a mask or not?
     I have...and I won't go back to them.
     These are places  that require masks, or where employees  have had on masks when I have gone there....that does not mean they will be wearing them if you go there.  Feel free to add places you feel are safe to shop.
Alfano's, Flight Deck, Walmart, Hyvee, Art Box in DeKalb, Hardee's, McDonald's, Aldi's
     At some other places employees have put them on when I requested it, but I should not have to request it.
     If you have had a positive mask shopping experience, let me know!
     As I run into more places, I will share.
     The thing is.....at the bigger stores, you may be required to wear one to get in, but no one is policing you and some people take them off when inside the store.        Humans can be a perplexing species.
     Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Wear a mask
Peace and love

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