Saturday, June 6, 2020


I don't know how this happened

     I seem to have lost 5 pounds.
     I've looked behind me, but I don't see it.
     I know it is not because of my exercise routine, or my chocoholic tendencies.
     I think I have skipped lunch a couple of times this past month because I have been getting up later.  And we have been eating salads a lot.
     But I also snack on cookies and candy.
     I realize  every time Jackie asks me to do something, I put food in my mouth.  Pick up  a pen?  Have a cookie.  Get her something to drink?  Have a handful of candy covered chocolates.
    It's almost a conditioned response.  I eat when I am not hungry, because I am eating out of frustration and boredom.
     Just tonight I had 4 cookies, chocolate, another cookie, ice cream, more chocolate, an orange, six pieces of fried chicken, 2 slabs of ribs, 14 hot dogs.....or that is what it seems.
     I have to cut down.
     Starting tomorrow.  Right now I hear some cookies calling me.
     Stay healthy. Stay safe.  Stay masked.
Peace and Love

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