Wednesday, June 17, 2020


I spent some time in a park today

     Jackie got her hair cut and dyed, so instead of driving home, I took a book and sat  and waited in a little park in downtown Rochelle.
     Now, Page Park is not exactly an oasis in the busy city.  But it was  nice to sit in the shade and listen to the birds.
     The park is actually an empty lot between two buildings.  At some point the city put in benches, raised planters and a winding path.  Now part of it is being converted to an outdoor dining space for a new bistro, but three fourths of the park will still be there.
     The first 45 minutes were nice and quiet, then they started work on a street project...repaving a portion of the road.  It became noisy and smelly.
     Due to Covid, I could not wait in the salon.  I had brought a sling chair, but opted for the park.
     Tonight I finally put out my bird bath...but I notice the bowl is pretty cracked.       Not sure how long it will hold water.  I wonder if I can put silicone caulk on it, or if that will affect the birds.  I probably should just buy a new  bowl. 
     Supper was kind of interesting....reminded me of Pick Up Sticks from when I was younger.
     I ate too much....which is a pattern of mine.
     All the windows in the house got washed today.  I did not even break a sweat.  It only took me a couple of minutes to write out the check.
     They look  clean, I didn't have to do them, life is good.
     Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Stay masked.
Peace and Love

Petunias, petunias, petunias

All in all, you're just another brick in the wall

What is this bush/plant?

I missed the pot.

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