Wednesday, June 3, 2020


I am one tired puppy tonight

     I sat down last night and made a list of things I should do today.  At about 9:45, I finished the list plus a few extras.
     Three loads of laundry, clean up the cardboard in the garage, vacuum the den and great room, empty the dishwasher, cook supper, do dishes, run an errand into town, straighten up the nook table, ride 4 miles on my bike....a pretty full plate. was so nice, and it did not rain, so I mowed.  And crushed cans.     And planted (finally) my parsley.  And did I mention I got a haircut?  And I rode 4.7 miles!
     I did more today than I have in two weeks, total.
     Must have been the coffee.
    But I am tired.
    Hopefully the wine I am sipping will put me to sleep......if not, Coyote Oldman is in the CD player.
     Stay healthy.   Stay safe.  Stay masked.
Peace and Love

     And now, some before and after pictures.

My forehead seems to be getting larger!

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