Sunday, June 14, 2020

I sometimes get jealous

     At least I think that is the sentiment.
     A friend stopped over today and they said they went biking Friday.....37 miles.  And again Saturday.....34 miles.
     And I got jealous.
     I love riding my bike.  I love going on bike trails. But I have not done much riding this year.  in fact, my longest ride is a little over 10 miles.
     So I am a little envious.
     Two years ago I went biking with friends in the Netherlands.  We rode about 25 miles a day for six days.  I was fine.
     Last year I didn't ride as much.
     This year, hardly at all.
     So when my friend told me about their rides, I got a little jealous that I can't yet do that.  Part of it is Jackie's situation, but part of it is mine.  I'm 72.  I'm out of shape.  I'm overweight.
     Down deep inside, I think I am most jealous because I am no longer young.  I am no geezer (shut up, Beth) but I am no spring chicken either.
     And what is even sadder, is I'll never be as young as I am today.
     Someday this summer I will join my friend on a long ride.  I may not go as fast, but I will finish.
      It will just be hard getting here.
     Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Stay masked.
Peace and Love

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