Saturday, June 20, 2020


I can't remember stuff

     That's putting it politely.
     There was an online Jimmy Buffet concert tonight.  I planned all week to "attend."   We won't see him this year, so I thought this would be a good opportunity  to just listen to music and visit virtually with friends.
     Never happened.
     Completely forgot.
     I should have writen a note.  Or posted a memo on the computer.  I honestly figured that something I wanted to do would just stick in my head.
     I have plenty of paper for notes.
     Now, some people may say I am cheap.  Or a hoarder.  I think I am working hard to save the environment.
     Old notebooks, for example.
     If there are blank pages in them, I save  them for interviews, story ideas, lists, etc.
      I found a notebook that I showed to Jackie.  On the back, in  beautiful cursive, was the name Jeane Marie Dickow.
     Jackie was puzzled.
     She had forgotten that Emily took French and they had to use a French origin name in class. She picked Jeane Marie.
     In high school.  Sophomore year, I believe.
     High school.
     So....hoarder?  Environmentalist?  Cheap skate?
     Hard to tell.
     Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Stay masked.
Peace and Love

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