Friday, June 19, 2020


Sometimes I just don't understand

     As we usually do on Friday and Saturday nights, we ordered out.
     I went in to pick up the food and there was a sign on the door that said:  Masks are required to enter this business.
     I thought that was great.
     I go in, and two of the three people working there do not have masks.  I asked one person, who was pouring drinks behind the bar, where his mask was.  He told me he did not have to wear a mask unless he was within 6 feet of other people, and he wasn't.
     Then the maskless server handed him a drink order and he proceeded to pour.
     Now call me crazy, but if this person is infected and is exhaling on peoples' drinks, won't they get infected too?
     I realize the masks are uncomfortable to wear.  And sometimes I start to go into a placeand realize I forgot happened today.  In that case, I do maintain a social distance. 
     But I also keep reading that one way to prevent the spread of Covid 19 is to wear a mask.  I would think food servers and bar tenders would be expected to wear a mask.
     Now I have to find another place for food.
     I have some strange tastes.  Illinois peaches.  (Missouri and Michigan are fine too, but I love Illinois peaches.) Local strawberries.  Wisconsin or Michigan cherries.
     That's why I was on the road today....going to a small town north of Sycamore for Michigan grown strawberries. 
     This place if 45 minutes from my house, out in the middle of nowhere, and I was the second person from Rochelle to buy berries today!  I wish I knew who the other person was, I would have gladly brought them some.....they were described by the owner as a sweet little old lady who did not realize how long a drive it was.
     I bought 4 containers.  Jackie and I pulled the stems out, cut them in half, layed them on cookie sheets and then put them in the freezer.   We did keep some out for dessert on Sunday.....I can't wait.
     I confess, I ate a few as I was cutting them.
     They were delicious.  They tasted like strawberries should.  And were well worth the drive.
     Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Stay masked.
Peace and Love

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