Monday, June 29, 2020


Rain was predicted for our area today

     Torrential rain.  Downpours.  Flooding.  Record amounts.  More rain than has ever been recorded in the history of meteorology.
     We got nothing.
     It was hot.  It was humid.  But the rain never came.
A friend ust 6 miles west of us had quarter sized hail.  People north of us had downpours and flash flooding.
     But as has happened a lot his year, rain seems to go around us.  North.  South.  West.  East.  All could be stormy and rainy.  Not us.
     I am not complaining, just making an observation.
     That means tomorrow I have to water my vegetable garden because it has been a few days since it rained. 
     My peas are done and a disappointment.  Only one gallon bag frozen.  I think I planted them too late.
     Beans are looking are carrots.  Hopefully I will get some tomatoes this year.
     At least the lawn is not growing very fast. 
     I did go to the store today and got yelled at because I am supposed to limit my trips and my exposure.
     What was frustrating is the simple things not on the shelves. 
     But even more frustrating were the shoppers without masks.  They had them dangling around their necks, which is useless.
     I know I am preaching to the choir on this, but masks are important to protect people like me.....overe 70, past health issues, a spouse with a compromised immune system.
     Give us a break, please.
     That's all I'm gonna say about that..
     Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Wear a mask.
Peace and Love

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