Monday, June 22, 2020


Today was a day of miscalculations

     Jackie had an appointment with a urologist in Sycamore. 
     We left the house in plenty of time, and got there 5 minutes before  the appointment.
     I was not approved to go with here to the doctor, so I left her with the staff and drove 2 minutes to the grocery store to get lettuce.
     I am in the store and she calls and says, "You can come back now."
     I asked if they changed their minds and approved me.
     "Just come back and get me.  My appointment is tomorrow."
     I wrote the wrong date on the calendar.  I also realized she had an eye doctor's appointment, did we flip the appointments?
     She called and no, eye doc at the same time.  So she cancelled the eye appointment.
     Let me stress....I wrote the dates on the calendar.
     Me...the guy who constantly reverses things messed up, again.
     I found a simple recipe for chicken breast with cheese and ham inside, or cordon bleu as the French may say.
     Watched the video.  Put the strips down, use a rolling pin to flatten them, put in ham, cheese, roll them up, tuck in the ends, dip them in flour, then egg, then breadcrumbs, put in oven, bake for 20 minutes at 190.
     I could not roll out the breasts, (and yes, that is a problem from my youth) so I used a meat pounder on them.  Suckers shredded.
     I cobbled them into strips, put the ham and cheese, did the dips and stuck them in the oven.
     30 minutes later, took them out and we bit into them........eeeewww!
     Chicken needs to cook longer than 20 minutes at 190 degrees.  I looked at other recipes and they were all minimum 30 minutes at 350 to 400 degrees.
So....back in the oven they went.
     By the time they were done a second time, Jackie has lost her appetite for chicken.
     Meanwhile, I mixed a mojito to enjoy on a summer night.  I still have rum from my Cuban trip in 2016, and the kids bought me run when they went to Key West a few months ago.  I figured I should enjoy the rum.
     I mixed a mojito yesterday, and to be honest, I could not walk a straight line when I was done.
     I eased up on the run a little on this one, and my balance is much better.
     I had forgotten how much I enjoy them on summer nights.
     Stay healthy.  Stay masked.  Stay safe.
Peace and Love

Ps....forgive my spelling.. My balance is ok, but my thought process is not.

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