Tuesday, June 16, 2020

day.....not again.....91

Our den is a gigantic mess

     I had a paper I needed to save because it was kind of important.  So I put it someplace safe.
     As Paul Harvey sort of said, "You know the rest of the story."
     Like so many people these days, (Linda, find the rings?) I cabn't find it.
     I looked in all the obvious places.  Drawers.  File folders.  I did not check my shoes.....
     Then I decided to empty out my desk drawers.  (SK, remember that nightmare?)
     Now I have several piles around the den.
     But the good news is...I have tossed out a lot of stuff I really don't need or that's outdated.  Like the 2009 letters to the FCC complaining about not having WGN.  Or the 2007 tax return information.  Plus several folders that have seen better days but I held onto for some strange reason.
     A lot of paper...but not the one for which I am looking. 
     Including about an inch of wide lined notebook paper I somehow figured 12 years ago I would be able to use for something.  And the 5 composition notebooks.  One has been used, I had notes for this year's Europe trip in that one, but we know how that worked out.
     So, tomorrow I will refile the stuff.  Then I will look through the shred box just in case I tossed it.
     By the time I find it, chances are I will have forgotten why I am looking for it in the first place.
     Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Stay masked.
Peace and Love

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