Thursday, June 25, 2020'd I do that?...... 101

I called myself twice today!

     The house phone rang...and caller ID said Terry Dickow, and gave our home phone number.
     Being a curious idiot, I answered.
     And I am glad I did.
     My Microsoft license expires at midnight tonight!  If I don't renew immediately, they will suspend my Microsoft license and I won't be able to use my computer!
     So, if you never hear from me again, that is what happened.
     The second time I called myself, I did not answer. 
     I also didn't answer when the U.S  Census Bureau called.  They left a message and gave me a case number with instructions to call back at my earliest convenience.
     Scam?  Or did I do something wrong on the census form?
     At some point I will check the number to see if it is legit.....then I will call.
     So many scams, so little time.
    We watch Friends on Nick at Night. 
     There is a commercial that creeps me and graphics.  It's for something called Troillis, I think.  I get so freaked out, I leave the room.
     While I am on my soapbox, the gecko doing insurance commercials and having outtakes is not funny.  Cricket cartoon characters are stupid.  There is never an overflowing 20 piece tub of chicken. 
     I watch too much tv.
     Except tonight....none, yet,,except one Fraiser.   Busy doing this, my column for trhe paper, playing solitaire, reading the Trib.
     I am tired....rode my bike and then deadheaded zing roses.  My legs are a bit sore from the deadheading.
     Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Wear a mask.
Peace and Love

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