Tuesday, June 2, 2020

day ...... a new friend?......77

I had a friend request from  a Julie today

     She looked a little familiar, so I clicked on her page.
     Turns out, she is quite lonely and very aroused!  She wants to be my friend, all I have to do is click on her website.
     I deleted the friend request, but now I am worried.  Will I be hacked?  Is this stain on my Facebook page forever?  Do I have to burn my computer and start over?
     The soft porn angle really makes me nervous.
     On a different note, I rode my  bike for the first time this year today!  I only went 4 miles, and truth be told, I was tired.
     In all other years, I have ridden in April and May.  I can't explain it, just have not been motivated enough to ride.
     Maybe today is the start of my riding season.
     Funny thing....had to go to a store today for a couple of OTC drugs for Jackie.
     Got in my car and was headed into town and looked at the temperature on the dashboard.  77 degrees.  It felt warm for 77, but the sun was shining.
     Went to the store, went to the bank, it was still 77 on my car.  The bank thermometer was 94.  The bank across the street was 95.  Suddenly, I was hot!
     I picked up a couple of prescriptions in the WM drive thru, and it was still 77.
     Half way home, it popped to 89, then 92.
     That was just strange.
     But fitting with the times, which are strange and scary.
     We watch "Friends" at night when we go to bed.  Tonight Billy Crystal and Robin Williams did a scene in the coffee house.  I had forgotten how brilliant Robin Williams was. 
     Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Stay masked.
Peace and Love

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