Wednesday, June 24, 2020


Time just seems to be flying past

     Have we really been dealing with this crap for 7 months?  Oh wait, less than four.  My mistake.
     What gets me most is the inability to go places.  Stores.  Restaurants.  Theaters.  Cub games. Lodon. Switzerland.
      I also miss friends.  To be honest, we do not do a lot socially.  But we have gone from not doing a lot to doing almost nothing.  I miss going out to eat  with people.  I miss visiting with people.  I miss sharing wine with people.
     But there are worse things.  We have our health.  We have food, shelter, and the ability to buy the things we need.  Our families are healthy.
     A lot of people are struggling .....and I have to remember that.  Food pantries are extra busy.  People have lost jobs.  People have lost family members.  Racism is widespread.  The country is tense.
     If I had a crystal vball I would be either overly optimistic or building a bunker.
     I know my 100 days may not match up to yours, or an "official" tally of how long we have been stuck at home.   Different perspectives and localities will bring different numbers.
     My hope is you all stay healthy and in some short time in the future, we can all gather together and once again break bread or uncork a fine red.
     Until then...stay healthy stay safe, stay masked.
Peace and Love

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