Thursday, June 18, 2020


I had mostly fun day tripping today

     I went to Oregon to renew my driver's licence, which expired May 11.  Due to Covid, it technically did not expire as extensions were given.
     I decided to visit the Village Bakery for some iced coffee and cookies.  For those who don't know, the Village Bakery is a little shop in Oregon operated by the Village of Progress, a facility that caters to people with disabilities.  The people from the village work alongside nondisabled folks to run a bakery and cafe.  The food is always good.
     Armed with coffee and cookies, I wandered down to Castle Rock State Park and parked near the scenic Castle Rock overlook.  I sat by the water, sipping my coffee, munching a molasses cookie, and watching the water roll by.  To say it was peaceful would be an understatement.
     I climbed the rock too, (there are stairs, by the way) but there is no shade at the top so I only stayed a few minutes.  It was hot.
     I could take my time, relax, enjoy my surroundings because we have someone coming in to stay with Jackie a couple of days a week so I can do things. 
     I also rode my bike.....but I just ride around the block.  I did that in the evening when the temp was a little cooler.  Riding around the block, I am never more that a couple of minutes from home. 
     But my big trip of the day came this morning. 
     We had our windows washed yesterday and figured it was a good time to wash the curtains.
     I did the second batch today.  Washed them, dried them, and took them to lay flat on a bed so they would not wrinkle.
     As I was waking quickly to the blue bedroom, I stepped on one of the curtains.
     I instantly became Superman, flying through the air with my capes streaming out behind me.
     Unlike Superman, I did not land gracefully.  I wasn't sure what hurt most....the knee, elbow, shoulder or hip....of if anything was broken.  As I lay there on the floor, Jackie kept saying, "Do I need to call Emily and John?  Do I need to call...."   I said no.
     Corki immediately came over to see if I was alright, either that or she was sniffing to see if my dead carcass was edible. 
     10 hours later, I still hurt.  My knee is stiffening up, which makes me think riding the bike might not have been the wisest move, but maybe it was because it kept the leg moving.
     I don't think I hit my head....but I did have a pretty good headache.
     As Joe Maddon would say, I Meatloafed the trips today. 
     If you don't get the reference, let me know.
     Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Stay masked.
Peace and Love
     And pictures

The only  traffic I was watching

Anybody see a weird face with only one giant tooth?

Rock River looking north from overlook
Rock River looking south from overlook

A visitor while I was riding round the block

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