Thursday, June 4, 2020 much?......79

I ventured out today

     I went shopping in Rockford, and now am a tad worried.
     I wore a mask....everyone in the store had a mask.....but still.
     I wiped down the cart, used my hand sanitizer, did not touch my face..... but still.
     Is this how it will be the rest of this year?  What about next year?
     At some people people will just stop wearing masks and caring....and that scares me.
     I also had a bit of a shock.
     Bought some instant pudding......98 cents a pack!  I seem to remember it as 50 cents or so the last time I went.  And pop!  Holy cow, that is expensive.
     As a side note....I have not bought toilet paper since February....and it was way before the Covid situation developed.  I think I have enough until September.
     The store was out of a lot of things....some strange.  No decaf tea bags.  No Bounty napkins.  No rectangular lotion free Puffs.
     They had a 15 foot section of generic flushable wipes though.
     I get so tired shopping.....I really have to think about ordering on line and then picking it up.  It would save money because I would not do any impulse two kinds of crackers Jackie does not like.
     Emily and John bought me some Gruyere cheese from Switzerland some place locally, and since I love that cheese, I looked for some.  A little four ounce block was almost $6.  Yikes.  Almost cheaper to fly there and bring it home.
     Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Stay masked.
Peace and Love

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