Tuesday, June 9, 2020


This is my 3,000th   blog post!

     Never thought I would continue this long.
     How to celebrate?
     Well, a continuation of my Mackinac Island memories, for one.
     Three things that really stand out.  Please realize, it has been 11 years since we last went there.
     The Grand Hotel porch is restricted to guests only.  Try to walk on the grounds and you will be stopped by a very polite guard.  But, if you walk around the complex and approach itfrom a little road to the west, you can walk up onto the porch and sit and rock with the rich.
     Jackie and I did that one year.  A butler even asked if we needed anything.  It was very cool.
     A second Grand Hotel memory.  They had a $25 lunch and if you bought a lunch ticket you got to tour the hotel on your own. 
     We walked into a banquet hall filled with food.  I hit every table except the sea food and vegetables.  Some of them twice.
     I sauntered up to the dessert table, which was at least 600 feet long, and just stared.  Almost every kind of sweet was there.
     I was looking at one dessert and asked what it was.  The two you beauties staffing the table said, "Terra and Sue."  I said my name was Terry and it was nice to meet you, but what is this dessert.  They looked and me and said, "Terra, me Sue."  I again said nice to meet you, then I looked at the one girl and said,
"Terra,  now that I know your name, I just want to know what his dessert is called."
     They looked at each othre, then looked at me, and Terra said, "My name is Cathy and the dessert is called tiramisu.  It is a cream filled coffee flavored Italian dessert."
     I was a bit embarrassed.  But it was delicious.
     Third most vivid memory. 
     We went with Julia, Emily, Steve, and MaryKay.  We rented a carriage to tour the island.  It was going great, the guide was wonderful, we were having a fun time until......
     We got on the subject of winter on the island.  I said, "I remember reading that last winter a snowmobile went through the ice and someone died."
     He stopped the horses, turned in his seat and stared at me.  "That was my cousin and I don't like to talk about it."
     The rest of the ride was in silence.  But he got a good tip.
     Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Stay masked.
Peace and Love

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