Friday, June 12, 2020


I got in a nice bike ride today

     I drove into town, rode the bike path, had an iced coffee, visited with an old friend, and toured the town on two wheels.
     It was my first "long" ride of the season.  I have been riding around my block, but never straying far from home.  Jackie has not been in tip top form for a few months, and she often needs me  during the day.  So I stay close.
     But we now have a provider who is coming in a couple of days a week for 3 hours just so I can do things like ride my bike, go to the store, clean up a museum....things I could not do without her staying with Jackie.
     For 3 hours today I did not have to worry that she had fallen, or needed something and no one was around to help.  For me, it was great.
     I ran into an old friend on the bike path.  She was walking, very fast, and I was riding.  I passed her and he said, "Hi Terry!"  I turned and recognized her right away.
     We had a great time catching up, while maintaining a safe social distance.    The little baby she had last year is starting her freshman year in high school...I swear it has gone by that fast.
     I got an iced coffee, sat and sipped in the shade, rode around the town and did not once worry that I was needed at home.
     It was a good feeling, much needed.
     And I got in a bit over 11 miles.
     Hopefully my legs are not too burned....I forgot to put sunscreen on them.
     I will remember next time.
     Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Stay masked.
Peace and Love

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