Wednesday, May 1, 2019

you are kidding me

Do I look stupid?

Don't answer that.  I just want you to read this important e mail I got today.  I copied it.

Good day and we wish this information will meet you in a good
condition after going through our files i found out that you have not
yet received your package

and i try to found out the cost ,after my investigation i just
confirmed that is not delivered due to wrong address  please confirm
your address once again

     Seriously?  They missed delivered my package?  Horrors!!!!  What a travesty of justice.  Probably the missing gold coins  my recently discovered Nigerian cousin promised he would send in exchange for real money.  
     Sadly, there will be some fool who responds to this kind of garbage.  I wish no ill will to anyone, but I think these people should have their fingers cut off and their legs suspended in a tank of ravenous piranhas.
     On the other hand, it did give me a good laugh.  I stopped counting the mistakes after the "meet you in good condition phrase".   Honestly.
Get a real job.  make a difference for good in the world.
     Jackie and I joined retired Tilton teachers at lunch today.  We had a great tine visiting and catching up with each other.  We even ran into former students and their babies!  Always a treat to see how kids turned out.
     A tour of the distillery, a Cub win.....all in all a pretty good day.  So I guess those scammers did find me in good condition.
 Peace and Love

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