Tuesday, April 30, 2019


I am a tired little puppy tonight

     Not sure why, I have not really done anything today.  I did watch From Russia With Love, a Sean Connery 007 film.  I really liked him.
     When Dr. No came out, I started reading Ian Fleming's novels and loved them.  But that was in my high school years and I don't think I have read any since.
     Maybe I will make that my summer reading project..... 007 stories in order of when they were written.
     Anyway....gonna head for bed.
     If you want to donate to the MS walk I am taking part in on Sunday, use this link:


That should take you to the donation link.
     Emily and I are walking this year.  Normally I have been doing the bike ride, but the location and miles have changed, so I did not feel comfortable with the new distances.
     Thank you for your support.
Peace and Love

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