Friday, May 17, 2019


I am not an electronics person

     They confuse, confound, and conflate me.  Actually, I don't know what conflate means, but it was alliterative.
     I have a new Kindle and I activated it the other day.  That night, I got an e mail confirming my Pandora subscription through the Apple store.
     I contacted the Apple store through their website and ..... drum roll to overstate the obvious.... I do not have a Pandora subscription through them.     They asked I forward the e-mail to them for their fraud department to investigate, so I did.
     In this day and age, we have to be suspicious of stuff we get on line.  Whether it be friend requests on Facebook, comments on a blog, or subscription notices... don't fall for a con!
     Us older folk need to remember that.  My pops used to say, "There is no free lunch."    Companies are not going to send out $100 gift cards for liking their page or forwarding an e mail or sharing a post. 
     Why do bad people send that stuff out?
     Because innocent people fall for it.
     Don't be an unsuspecting victim.  Don't give out personal information.  Don't let the crooks in the door.  Don't give them your money.
     And that's my message for today.
Peace and Love

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